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Today i felt drained so i wanted to stay in bed and do nothing. Seemed like a good plan until Pietro kept trying to get me out of bed.

"wanna some pancakes for breakfast?" pietro asks me

"no" i replied

"okay you wanna watch the vampire diaries?" he asks

"i would but im tired" i say

"okay well im going to go train with cap i'll be back later okay" he says

"yes sir" i say

I get aggressive when i feel drained and I mean aggressive Steve wouldn't leave me alone one time and i threw him out the window. The lesson was I like to be alone when i feel drained. I fall back asleep until I feel my bracelet shaking

Hes in trouble i have to help him. Where the fuck is he. I get my suit on and open a portal to see him and banner fighting. I put the portal on the floor and jump into it. I blast both of them away from each other and look up to see Loki watching. Suddenly theres guards coming for me. I look up and hes gone.

"well would you look at that im saving you for once" i hear his voice.

Loki. Suddenly im not there and im with him in what looks like his room. What the fuck

"Loki why'd you do that what about Thor?" i say worried

"he'll be fine for now" he answers

"no i have to go find him" i say leaving

"you can't" he says

"why not?" i say

"because" he says

He pulls out a gun and shoots. Then walks towards me. I pull it out of me.

"a tranquilizer really" i say as i fell my eyes closing

I open my eyes to find myself on the bed. Dysprosium chains that son of a bitch. Dysprosium the only thing that don't allow me to use my powers. I fucking hate that bitch. I'll kill him.

"you look like you could use some help" said a girl

"yes please" i say

She walks over to me and breaks the chain.

"now your going to help me find thor" she says

"what" i say

"relax i won't hurt him" she says

We find Thor with Banner in "disguise". We begin walking to where she lives.

"i have a peace offering" she says opening the door

"surprise" Loki says as we see him in chains

Thor throws a bottle at him.

"ow" loki answers

"Just had to be sure" thor says

"hello bruce" loki says

"So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?" banner asks him

"it varies from moment to moment" loki answers him

I throw a knife at loki.

"ow" he says

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