my first love

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"can i come in?" i ask

"yeah um sure" he answers

"i've been thinking about this all day and i wanna be with you" i say "you may annoy the shit out of me but your always there for me and love me."

"i do love you pendeja" pietro responds

"hey give me a better nickname" i say "so are you gonna kiss me or what"

"hmm idk should i because im pretty sure your mad at being called a pendeja" he says

"shut up and kiss me" i say as i grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him

I let him go

"hate to ruin the moment but i have to go break bad news to Loki" i say

"i understand" he say

I make my way outside to ask Thor where Loki is. He says he went for a walk into the trees.  I walk until i find him where my garden is sitting staring at the roses

"hey" i say

"hello" he says

"can i sit" i ask

"go right ahead" he says

"so friends" i say

"ahh so you choose him" he says "may i ask why him"

"I love him he may be annoying and little bit of an idiot but hes my idiot. He makes me happy. I like how even when i lash out at him he's still there for me" i say "you were my first love and will always be my first love but things change and now my heart belongs to him"

"i see" he says

"are you going to be okay" i ask

"yes i am" he says "hes your love for now but i'll wait for you. we both know you'll probably outlive him or maybe you won't. Maybe in another lifetime we'll be together"

"real romantic now aren't we" i say

"i just want you to be happy even if its not with me" he says

"you know i hate liars" i say

"fine i hate this im very jealous of him because he gets one of the most amazing person in this world to love" he says

"im not that great" i say

"you are that great" he says

"ehh so friends?" i say

"friends indeed" he says "what now?"

"i have to go train someone you can come if you want" i say

"yes i wanna go" he say

I get up and begin walking to the training area with Loki following me. I see Peter there waiting for me.

"you ready to start" i ask

"yeah but can you go hard on me" he says

"oh your not fighting me today kid" i say giving him a small smile

"who am i fighting" he says

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