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Drew, Maddie, and I had just gotten off our 5 hour flight. We were extremely exhausted. It was 4 am our time and we hadn't slept at all.

"Val, where are we going?" Maddie groans. We were heading towards the exit of the airport. My brother had agreed to pick us up.

"My brother is picking us up." I tell her. A tone of anger rised in my voice. That happens a lot when I'm tired and people start asking questions. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired."

Maddie just continues walking. I don't think she cared that I got a mad at her for a split second. She just wanted to go to bed.

Drew stood beside me. He let the cool, crisp, turks air brush against his face. He closed his eyes only for a moment before a car started honking at us.

"That's definitely my brother." I comment.

Drew and Maddie chuckle a bit beside me. I had told them a few stories of my childhood and how my siblings and I would spend all summer running around our neighborhood in Providencials.

My mom was suffering from alzheimers and was going to pass soon. It was something that spread like wildfire in my family. She didn't have long left. So, I wanted to spend some time with her. I didn't mind bringing my friends.

Before we got in the car, I had to mention the whole my mom is really sick thing.

"Uh, guys?" I say in Drew and Cline's direction. They turned around and could both tell something was off.

"Are you okay?" Maddie asks softly, running up to me.

"Yeah. I forgot to mention one thing about my mom." I pause for a moment. Drew and Maddie were both staring at me with anticipation in their eyes. "My mom has alzheimers. I know, I should've told you before because it's kind of a lot, but we don't have to be at her house that much. I have my own house here and-"

"Val. Stop. It's not that big of a deal." Drew interrupts me.

"Yeah. Everyone's families are different. It's fine." Cline adds. "C'mon. Your brother won't stop honking at us."

That's never happened before. Normally, when I tell people about my mom, they ghost me. Maybe, I have finally found good people. The type of people everyone deserves.



I had a very healthy relationship with my brothers. Whenever we got the chance, we always FaceTime or text.

Cole ran up to me and gave me a long hug.

"Ugh, Val. I missed you so much!" Cole smiles.

"I missed you too, Cole!" I smile back.

maddie b

how is turks 🙄

really beautiful, actually


bro cline is so hot you're missing out chase

shut up



u guys act like i don't send him photos 24/7

i was about to say something but drew would've been so mad

dude shut up




when are u guys coming back
i miss val

i miss you too
1 week



i bet val looks good too

bro istg if you say anything to anyone-

i won't
but you need to start making a move bro



I still had a house in Turks. It wasn't big or anything, but it had three bedrooms. I took my bedroom, Drew chose the room across from mine, and Maddie took the bedroom down the hall.

I had been tossing and turning all night. I was so anxious for my friends to meet my mom. I love her, of course, and I know they said they wouldn't judge me or whatever, but I still feel they don't understand what she's actually like.

I roll over in my bed again and notice my alarm clock shining the time 2:24am. I wasn't going to be able to sleep--alone.

I debated whether or not I should actually walk over to Drew's room. I could go to Maddie, but I know she would tell me everything will be fine. Drew, on the other hand, would tell me the complete truth.

I quietly close my bedroom door and take a few small steps to Drew's room.

I stand there for about a minute before actually knocking. Should I really do this? I thought to myself.

Come on, Val. Just do it.

I tap his door with the top of my knuckles and he opens the door immediately. Why was he up at this hour?

"Uh, hey." I whisper. I was quite shorter than Drew was, but I didn't make an attempt to look up at him. I was way too embarrassed to do that.

"I can't sleep, either." He sighs.

Thank, God.

"Can I sleep with you?" I ask timidly.

"Of course, Valeria." I didn't look at him, but I could tell he was smiling.


I'm promising myself this now. I will never fall in love with Drew Starkey. Never.

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