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tagged- drewstarkey liked by madelyncline and 2,992,785 others•valeriabeene- @elameeeee im coming for your brand

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tagged- drewstarkey
liked by madelyncline and 2,992,785 others
•valeriabeene- @elameeeee im coming for your brand

elameeeee- gasp

rudeth- he's hot
valeriabeene liked this comment !

hichasestokes- starting some drama i see
^valeriabeene- shhhh

username- omg she liked rudy's commenttt

username- omg omg omg!! it's happening!! i shippp!!!

madelyncline- look what you did. lying to the fans. 😐

drewstarkey- im gonna kill u 🙂
^valeriabeene- ok

username- "ok" 😭 i love her
^valeriabeene- ily more 🤩

valeriabeene- guys chill my phone is overheating

It was around 8 pm, and we had set up our tents and a fire. Drew and I were sharing a tent, of course. I feel like I'm in a basic teen romance movie at this point.

"So, Val.." Logan speaks.

Anxiety rises in my chest at the words that spill out of his mouth. I'm immediately nervous for what he is going to ask me.

"What's up with you? Like what's your story?"

A breath of air releases from my mouth. "Ah."

Drew sits next to me. He was fiddling with a stick, but soon looked up at me. "You don't have to tell them." He whispers.

"Uh, it's fine." I smile. "I moved to Turks and Caicos when I was, like, 5. Then, grew up there. When I was a teenager, my parents split, and I moved to America. I joined an acting agency, and auditioned for Outer Banks."

I decided to leave out the whole Mom and alzheimers thing.

"Wow." Mackayla comments.

"Yeah. I mean there's a few more details, but you get the idea."

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