Chapter 4

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Eren's POV

"Couldn't help myself you said you were shirtless" He says. I immediately start blushing so I look down trying to hide it I can't believe he's so blunt. I look up slightly to see if his expression changed and to no surprise he has the same bored look embedded onto his face, but there is a slight difference. he's blushing a bit. There is a soft pink blush placed on his face. SO CUTE. We stand there in silence for a while.

Levi's POV

I can't believe I said that I mean I meant it but still. I look at him to see he's blushing. ADORABLE. I can't believe he's mine I want him I need him. After a few minutes of silence I decide to do something so I grab him and pull him into a kiss. It startles him at first but he soon starts to enjoy it as we kiss more passionately. I slide my hand up his chest and as a result he gives out a little moan. Just as we started to go further someone knocks on the door. Quickly I pull away from him and pass him his shirt with the help of a few cusses at the same time.
"Give me a minute" he yells as he puts his shirt on and fixes himself up so he doesn't look like we just made out.he goes over to the door and opens it to see a very confused freckled faced boy
"Hey Marco what's up?" Eren asks enthusiastically
"Oh sorry if I was interrupting anything I just wanted to return this to you"He says as he holds out a jacket
"Oh my jacket I must have left it thanks Marco" Eren says giving the other boy a warm smile. I wish this boy would leave already so I can have Eren again
"Um I know it's none of my business but um what are you doing in here captain?" He asks politely Eren looks to me as to say 'be nice' and 'what are we supposed to tell him'
"We were talking about the success of today's mission but I was also reminding him not to get distracted" I say and Eren nods in agreement and sighs in relief
"Oh ok sorry for being nosy" he apologises
"It's fine I was just leaving anyway"I say as I started walking to the door. I wish we had more time but I can't risk it. Eren looks at me kind of upset as I walk out of the door and to my room. Well today was eventful

I lie down in bed and begin to dream of what just happened. No one can know. No one can have him. He is mine and mine alone anyone who tries to take him will be sorry for trying.

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