Chapter 14

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Eren's POV

What a day I arrive back at the cafeteria for dinner after a long day of cleaning the stables. I have officially decided I hate Levi. You know what I'm going to trick him. Mmmm but how? God this man is so difficult. I know I'll ask Hanji she can give me tips.

I head over to hanji's lab after eating my dinner and genially knock on the door. The door opens so quickly I get scared it's going to be ripped off it's hinges. Hanji is stood in the door way beaming and practically bouncing.

"Hey Eren got any updates on you and  Levi" she says wiggling her eyebrows

"No" I reply making her frown

"You know you could at least try to get him to date you" she mumbles sarcastically

"Actually Hanji I need to ask you for help" I say "also why are you so excited?"

"I'm excited because I heard you coming" she reply's stepping back and letting me in

"How did you know it was me?" I question

"I could hear your footsteps" she shrugs, well that's not weird at all. I roll my eyes and step inside as she closes the door

"So what did you want?" She smiles

"Um how do you trick someone and annoy them?" I say realising how badly I worded my question when her expression changes.

"Well depends who" she responds

"Um a partner" I say hoping she won't question, but of course having no luck

"Oooooooo so who are they I bet it's Levi" she giggles awaiting my response

"No I'm asking for a friend" I lie hoping she will believe me, she gave me a questioning look before shrugging and began giving me ideas

"You could hide their clothes" she suggests but I shake my head, I want something really good " hmmm or pretend to die"

"Ok Hanji don't you think that's a BIT extreme I don't.....I mean they don't want to scare them to death" I say as she just frowns

"No fun" she mutters

Almost immediately her face lights up and she gives me a billion more ideas and I finally pick one. Good this is going to be perfect this will teach him a lesson.

I leave hanji's lab saying goodbye and she wishes my friend luck. I walk straight to my room to change before heading to Levi's room at midnight.

When I get to Levi's room I quietly open the door, step inside and then close it. Levi looks up at me from his place on the bed. He has a book in hand

"Seriously reading again" I reply frowning

"Some people happen to like reading" he reply's placing his book on the bed side table and walks over to me. He kisses me gently and I have to force myself not to kiss back. I pull away and he looks annoyed.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Look we need to talk that's why I'm here" I say as he lets me go and steps back

A/N Oooooo cliff hanger what's he gonna do? Sorry if it's a short chapter but things are about to get interesting so stay tuned :)

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