Chapter 7

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Eren's POV

"Ok well I kind of like you and I know it's probably not mutual but I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go on a date with me like maybe this weekend?" She says looking hopeful
"Oh um I'm sorry but I don't feel the same I mean I like you but only as a friend, I don't mean to hurt your feelings" I say hoping she understands
"Oh um ok I get it" she says looking like she's about to cry
" I didn't mean to hurt your feelings your really nice and you deserve better" I say trying to make her feel better
"I understand your really nice too don't talk bad about yourself, but I'm gonna go now see you later" she says with a smile as she turns away

Levi's POV

I arrive at training to hear Historia asking Eren out, I can't hear his reply though because he talks quieter. That bitch is trying to take my man I swear I'll teach her a lesson. I was snapped back into reality by Petra tapping me on the shoulder
"Um hey Levi can I talk to you" she asks
"Not now I'm busy" I say sternly still watching Eren and Historia, he better say no
"Doing what?" She questions
"Mind your own business" i snap, really why is she so annoying
"Sorry but its really important" she says still trying to get me to talk to her. Fortunately for her Historia left and Eren was leaving to so I no longer needed to watch
"Fine what is it, make it quick"I say turning to face her
"Well I wanted to ask you is maybe you want to go on a date with me this weekend because I really like you your strong and smart and I admire you, you don't need to like me back but I was hoping you'd give me a chance" she says looking hopeful
"No" I say
"What?" She asks
"Did i stutter" I look at her questioning
"No sir, but why did you say no? You aren't exactly dating anyone so why not" she continues
"Mind. Your. Own. Business" I say giving her the death stare
"Oh sorry I'm going to go" she says starting to cry as she runs away

Eren's POV

I see Levi talking to Petra, I really don't like her. I hear her ask him out,that bitch leave my man alone he's mine not yours so back off. I hope he says no I can't hear his reply though but I'll ask later I mean it's Levi he would say no, Right?

Hanji's POV

Yessss ok Historia and Petra both did their jobs and Levi and Eren both saw this should be perfect. Let's hope Eren gets jealous and tells Levi how he feels and then Levi says he feeels the same and they get married and have kids and.... wait their both male they can't have kids..... THEY'LL ADOPT. Great this is perfect

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