Chapter 12

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Eren's POV

Last night was...... I don't even have any words. I wake up before Levi surprisingly, he is so adorable when he sleeps. I get up attempting to be quiet but as soon as my foot touches the floor it creaks. Just my luck, Levi wakes up rubbing his eyes. Oh god he's even sexier awake. He sits up and looks at me
"Where are you going?" He asks
"For a shower" I answer
"Great let's go" he says confusing me
"What?" I question
"Let's shower together" he says sounding bored Like usual
"Huh wait what no way" I say waving my hands frantically
"We had sex last night and THIS grosses you out" he laughs "come on" he says dragging me to the bathroom. He locks the door and turns the shower on. Once it's warm enough we get in. It was kind of awkward but the silence soon became comfortable. Levi was stood in front of me, his back was facing me. He showered like this was a regular day, obviously he didn't find this awkward in the slightest which made me relax. Nothing exciting happened in the shower, well if you don't add the making out part.we got dressed but as I was about to leave, Levi pulled me back and pushed me on the bed
"I just got dressed" I jokingly complained. He holds a scarf up to me and says
"You forgot this" he wraps it round my neck and I notice he's wearing one too. It's strange, the only person I've really seen wearing a scarf is Mikasa. I clear my head and stand up We head out of my room my luck hits again. There stood in the hallway is commander Erwin. Fuck.
"Commander" Levi greets him casually
"Ah Levi I was looking for you, if you don't mind my asking, what were you doing in there?" Erwin asks. Ok now we are officially fucked, tell Mikasa and Armin to visit my grave and kill all the Titans for me.
"We were just talking about training, he missed a session on Tuesday and I was giving him a beating for it" Levi lies, wow how he can lie straight to commander Erwin so easily, that the only straight thing about him.
"I see we'll come with me Levi we have a meeting with the MPs" Erwin responds
"Give us a minute will you Erwin" Levi says calmly
"Of course, just don't be late" and with that Erwin walked round a corner. As soon as he turned the corner Levi pulled me into a kiss. I kiss back passionately bending down a bit to make it easier for him. He steps back and then it hits me
"Wait what if someone saw that"I start to panic
"Calm down no ones here" Levi says calmly. He begins to walk away but before he turns the corner he turns around and winks at me and to that my legs give in and I collapse making him laugh and continue walking. I get up and walk to training bracing myself for Mikasa's game of 21 questions, sorry more like a million questions.

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