Chapter 6

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Hanji's POV

Ahhhhh oh my fucking god I can't believe Eren likes Levi they are SOOOOOOO cute. I NEED them to be together maybe if they dated Levi wouldn't be so grumpy. OK now they MUST date mr grumpy pants would be happy, wow that's so weird to think about Levi the man who shows no emotion finally smiles or even laughs.


Ok if Imma do this I might need help, who can help? WAIT HISTORIA she would be great she's so sweet she would totally help.
Wait I said I wouldn't tell anyone, she doesn't need to know to help me. This an AMAZING PLAN.

Eren's POV

Hanji has been acting weird today, but that's not what I care about. Levi is nowhere to be seen, is he late? No he's never late. Maybe he's cleaning? It's a good thing I'm dating. Clean freak he can clean up all the mess I make and he'll beat me for it to. Maybe in a sexual way. WAIT stop thinking that think of that stuff when you alone, mind readers I swear maybe Historia is a mind reader she looks so innocent but maybe she is just listening to our thoughts. Speaking of Historia she's been staring at me for a while maybe she likes me, if I'm honest I thought her and Ymir were dating. It doesn't matter I love Levi and only Levi forever.

Historia's POV

Hanji has a plan and she wants me to help, but why do I have to do it? She said because Eren won't suspect that it's hanjis plan but Eren's pretty stupid you could use literally anyone and he wouldn't suspect it. No offence Eren. Wait but Levi's smart so he would figure it out. Maybe that's why Levi is pretty scary. But if this works then Levi will be less angry Hanji said so I hope it works.

Hanji's POV

Yes Historia said she would help and I decided my plan needed to go both ways so I guess I have to get Petra. This sucks cus she actually likes Levi that bitch might ruin my ship. But it won't work if she doesn't help and I don't have to tell her it's part of a plan to get Levi and Eren together I'll just tell her what she has to do she won't mind, she's nice but ruins my ship so she's a bitch

Eren's POV

I see Historia heading my way
"Hey Historia what's up?" I greet
"Hey Eren can I talk to you?" She asks twirling her short blond hair nervously
"Of course what is it?" I question
"I mean can we talk .... alone ?" She says looking at the floor
"Huh oh sure come with me" I say as I start walking. She follows me until we are alone in a room "So what did you want to talk about then?" I ask
"Um I wanted to tell you something but promise you won't freak out" she says looking hopeful
"Of course I wouldn't judge" I say reassuring her
"Ok well..........

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