Chapter 17

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Eren's POV

"What the hell" he says his teeth clenched

Oh shit what the hell Hanji he is right there your supposed to help me not fuck up my chances. Not to mention Erwin is stood right there and looks confused as hell.

I push Hanji off of me

"Levi I can explain..." I start but he buts in a enters the room slamming the door making Hanji jump and Erwin back up.

"Shut up brat!" He yells.

Levi walks over to Hanji and goes to punch her but I catch his hand stopping him. He just shakes it off and begins to yell.

"What the hell Hanji! We need to clear a few things up, Eren is mine! MINE! So don't touch him or I swear to got I'll feed you to the Titans!" He grabs me by the collar and kisses me. I obviously kiss back.

Ok so I'm sorry to Hanji she had a great idea full credit to her.

We kiss for a few minutes and Hanji just stands there looking proud of herself. I realise that Commander Erwin is still stood there but Levi doesn't seem to care so I close my eyes and continue to kiss him. He pulls away for air, he looks at Hanji and punches he knocking her out.

"Holy shit Levi! What the hell!" I shout. He just looks at me and shrugs with his usual bored expression.

"So is someone going to explain to me what just happened?" Erwin says making Levi turn around faster than I thought was possible.

"Commander Erwin!" He says slightly shocked. Erwin gives us a questioning look and I find myself speaking

"Commander we should have probably told you earlier but me and Levi are dating" I blurt out. Levi turns to me his expression a murderous one. Erwin raises an eyebrow

"Is that so" he says. I look away sheepishly wishing I could just sink into the floor. Levi slowly nods his head and I feel him grab my hand squeezing it a little too tight but I probably deserved it.

" I see, we'll I'm very happy for you two as long as it doesn't interrupt your work" he says smiling a bit

"Yes sir" Levi and I say in unison.

I suddenly remember that Hanji is unconscious on the floor and I turn to check if she is okay. She seems fine nothings broken so I leave her lying there which makes Levi smile. His smile is so beautiful. By the time I get up from checking if Hanji is ok Erwin seemed to have left.


Levi leads me to his room quietly. Luckily most people are busy and not in their rooms so no one will hear us or see us. He pulls me into his room locking the door and kisses me softly. It only lasts a second until he pulls away and begins to speak not making eye contact.

A/N okay so chapters are quite short but hopefully you like them! If you have any idea on what you want to happen I'm up for suggestions. Anyway Hope you enjoyed!

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