What had happened

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Roman groaned, the loud pinging from their phone driving them deep into their thoughts. They looked over at it, turning over in bed instead of answering the calls and texts.

"You should probably answer them all you know, everyone is worried" Remus mentioned, scrolling through the messages on his own phone.

"I know. But I don't want to think about..."

"I know, but still" Remus muttered.

"Fine.." Roman rolled back over to the nightstand, looking at the phone with a sigh. They picked it up, scrolling through it all.

Patton- We should sleepover at Roman's  or Logan's!

Virgil- I agree

Logan- my house is fine, my parents are gone for the month

Janus- alright, Roman? What are we going to talk about? You okay?

Patton- yeah Ro! You okay kiddo?

Patton- Ro?

Remus- Theyre fine guys, just gonna talk about some past stuff

Janus- Okay... why won't Ro answer tho?

Logan- I hope it's nothing too bad

Virgil- Did someone hurt them? I'll break someone's fucking face of I have to

Virgil- I'm not joking either

Patton- Kiddo no!

Logan- you could possibly be sued, I wouldn't recommend it

Roman- I'll tell you guys about it all later today, when are we meeting up

Logan- Alright. 4:00? Does that work for everyone?

Patton- mhm! See you all soon!

Janus- That works for me and Virgil, (Virgil's phone just died and she emailed me)

Logan- perfect, see you all soon

Roman sighed, curling up a little, looking at Remus.

"I'm scared Re..." Roman muttered.

"I know Ro... it'll be okay though, it's our soulmates, they'll understand and help you through it all" Remus said softly. Roman nodded, closing their eyes for a few moments to just rest their eyes a little.

"Ro, Roman, wake up, you need to pack" Remus said, shaking Roman a little. They woke with a start, looking at Remus. They took a small breath, shaking their head.

"S-Sorry... another nightmare..." Roman muttered. Remus smiled softly.

"It's okay Ro, you sure the sleepover thing will be ok?" Roman nodded, pushing off the bed.

"C-Come on- let's pack up a little.." Roman muttered, grabbing an older bag they had, shoving some clothes in, before grabbing other necessary things. Remus nodded with a frown, going and packing his own bag.

Roman sighed, looking up at Logan's house, taking a shuddering breath before walking ip to the door with Remus. Remus knocked loudly, smiling when Janus answered the door. Roman smiled softly, following Janus inside.

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