The day Virgil got their mark

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Virgil woke up, like most. They stretched, putting on a black rubber band. The black meant they/them pronouns. You see, Virgil was gender fluid. However they were almost always misgendered. Their mother was always busy, never home long enough to care about what they've asked of her. And their father was a whole different story. Today they were getting their soul mark. And tomorrow their best friend, Janus was getting his. A song or two popped into their head, ones they had never heard. They were good yes, but strange. They pulled out their phone, figuring that they had heard it from the radio or something like that. They typed in the first few words.
'My heart's a stereo
It beats for you, so listen close' is what they wrote. When the search engine came up blank, a look of confusion crossed their face. They shook it off, deciding that they would just look for the other one.

'Momma never told me how to love Daddy never told me how to feel Momma never told me how to touch Daddy never showed me how to heal'

Once again, the search engine came up blank. So instead, they turned to looking up why they have a song in their head that doesn't seem to exist. Many things came up along the line of song writing. But then, farther down, the national soulmate association came up. Intrigued, Virgil clicked into the link. After awhile of loading, they found out the problem. They had completely forgotten the fact that it was their soul mark day, or 16th birthday as most said. The songs were their mark. Extremely excited, they texted Janus.

I got it!!!!

Your mark? What is it!?

Well not really a physical mark, however! I have the songs that match me and my soulmates together! So like, I have a song in my head, that's meant for us both, and they do too now! Only me and my soulmates know the song!


Virgil panicked. Yes, two soulmates. He wasn't sure if there were more, but he was kinda scared what Janus would say.

No soulmate, sorry lol

Ah, alright. Would've been kinda cool if you got two tho dontcha think?

I mean maybe, also black band

Oh okay ttyl at school?

I mean, if you mean me signing then yes

Obviously lol, byeee


Virgil nodded, seemingly happy with the conversation. They finished getting ready, walking to school soon after. They had already spent most of the time researching the songs. While they walked. They signed the song to get used to it. They couldn't wait to find out who the others were.

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