Arriving Home

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In the castle, the eight girls were sitting and laying in one of their rooms bored. Ever since Sam married Guy, the girls decided to live in the castle with their friends.

They can go back to the village whenever they want. Like back two weeks ago days before the wedding, Sam returns to the village to return the book that's been overdue. He apologized Donna the librarian for not returning the book since he has been staying in the castle for a long time. But Donna waved it off saying that it's alright. And after the wedding ceremony, Guy and Sam went off on their honeymoon and will be back to the castle in two weeks.

Jasmine moaned, "I'm so bored. Does anyone have any ideas on what we should do?" Rainbow Dash said, "No, because we've done everything around here. Exploring the whole castle, you and Twilight read the books from the library, played games with EB and Mr Jenkins. Not to mention, they got bored as well." Fluttershy said, "I wish Sam and Guy are here from their honeymoon."

The Equestria girls heard a horse coming from the forest. They looked outside from the window and saw a carriage coming to the castle. But it is not just the carriage. It's the marriage carriage. Guy and Sam are back. Pinkie said exciting, "It's Guy and Sam! They're back! They came back!" Rarity said, "Wow Fluttershy, your wish came in perfect timing." Sunset said, "Come on, girls, let's get to the front and meet them there." The girls cheers before ran out of their room and ran down the hallway.

In the carriage as it head back to the castle, Sam said, "It is so good to be home." Guy said, "You said it. By the way, there's going to be a slight small change since you're a prince now." He asked, "How so?" Guy said, "You'll get to learn how to be a royal and it's going to be very difficult for you. But you don't have to worry about it. My advisor will teach you everything he knows." Sam said, "I can't wait. Speaking of which, I bet everyone in the castle will be super exciting when we tell them the news." He said, " No kidding. I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when we tell them that someone is coming in couple of weeks. " He placed his hand on Sam's stomach.

"What do you mean I have to leave right now?" Guy asked upset when he learned that he has to leave now as soon he and Sam returned to the castle. Sly said, "I'm sorry, Master. But when the king heard that you can go anywhere out of the castle now since you're not a beast anymore, he sent out his message saying that he needs your help." Guy said, "Fine. I suppose it wouldn't take too long." Sly made an uneasy look.

He said, "Yeah, about that. This will take longer than you expected." Sam asked, "How long?" Sly said, "The king says that now that he can see Guy again soon, there are so many things that he needs to catch up. Plus, going to the kingdom that's the other side of the ocean could take one or two weeks. Same thing with coming back." Guy and Sam asked in shocked, "One or two weeks?!"

Sam said, "Then, that would mean..." Guy noticed the sad look on his husband's face. He knew how much this news means to him. Plus, they made the agreement when Sam and Guy return home from honeymoon, they'll make a gala of Sam becoming the crown prince. And this is his first time to watch over the castle by himself.

Guy said, "It's okay, Sam. I know that you can do it." Sam asked, "How can you be so sure?" He said, "Because I know you. You're the strongest man I know and love. You can watch over the castle. Don't forget that my advisor will help you while teaching you how to be a prince. Plus, your friends are there too." Sam said, "I suppose you're right. I could do this." Guy said, "That's my Sam. And don't forget to tell everyone in the castle the news." Sam said, "I won't."

"Master, we're ready to go." Qwark called after his, Guy's, Ratchet's, Nefarious', Sly's, Jak's, Clank's, Dexter's, Bentley's, and Murray's luggage are all packed in the carriage. Guy said holding Sam's hands, "I'll be back home soon, love. I promise." He kissed Sam's knuckles and got in the carriage with the other men.

As the carriage rode off, Ratchet called, "Sent love to Tirzah and Jasmine for me!" Nefarious called, "And my love to Sunset!" Clank called, "Farewell!" Dexter called, "So long!" As the carriage is going through the forest, Sam sent out his kiss to Guy and waved. He walked to the castle and opened the door.

Sam entered the castle. He looked around the hall to see if anything changes while he and Guy were gone.

"Sam!" Sam turned around and see his friends ran up to him. Pinkie tackled hug Sam first causes both of them to fell to the ground.

Pinkie said hugging her friend, "I missed you so much!" Sam laughed and said hugging her back, "Hi, Cotton Candy. I missed you too." Applejack said while pulled Sam up to his feet, "Welcome back, Sam. Or should we call you, Prince Sam?" Jasmine playfully said, "That's right, girls. Let's bow down to his royal Highness." The girls bowed down in front of Sam who giggled. Sam playfully said, "Stand my royal servants, and go fetch me my favorite meal of green eggs and ham." Nine friends laughed with each other before calmed down.

Twilight asked, "So, how is it to be a prince?" Sam said as he and his friends walked to the dining room, "It feels great. But nervous to be honest though. Since I'm now a ruler, I have to start act like a prince." She said, "That wouldn't be too hard if you have your husband to help you. Speaking of which, where is he?" Sam said, "A kingdom from the other side of the ocean had wrote a letter to Guy saying that he has to come since he didn't get a chance to do anything when he was a beast." Pinkie said, "Talk about a bad timing."

Rainbow asked, "Do you even know when Guy will be back." He said, "Three weeks." "Three weeks!?" The girls asked in shocked. Sunset asked, "Can you even handle any of it?" Sam said, "I guess. But there's nothing I can't handle. Well, not without your help." Jasmine said, "Dude, you know you can count on us." Sunset said, "We've always gotten your back." Twilight said, "We'll help you with all of those royal stuff." Rarity said, "I can always sketch you a handsome outfit. Sadly, you won't be wearing a dress like on your wedding." Sam said, "That's fine and thank you all. Now, after some lunch, I've got an announcement for everyone here. Since Guy won't be back until three weeks, he wanted me to tell you all for both of us." Pinkie said, "Ohhh! I just love surprises!" Nine friends entered the dining room.

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