Sam's in Labor

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In the kitchen, Pinkie Pie, Amy, and Sam were thinking about what to make. Sam said, "Let see. We should start make something good. Starting with the dessert." Pinkie said, "Yes. No more having a prune for dessert. Gross!" Amy said, "Well, here's a news flash. Nobody here in this castle likes prune. Not even the Master." Sam said, "Not surprise. Now then, what should we make?"

Pinkie thought of something. She then has an idea and said, "I know." She started grabbing the cupcake ingredients, the other ingredients for pudding, and a really big bowl. Sam asked, "What's all of these for?" Pinkie said winked at him, "You'll see." She along with Amy started baking.

As few days passing by, Sam was in charge to check on everything to make sure that everything is ready for the ceremony. For past three days, Sam practices the dance, but it is not the dance that Phil has expected. And speaking of him, he wasn't happy that Sam has changed everything. Plus, everyone in the castle stops listening to him.

Every night, Sam and Guy were writing down letters saying how much they missed each other. Sam mentioned to Guy saying he felt the baby was kicking and there's going to be a little changed up. But Guy wouldn't even mind, as long there won't be a prune that he doesn't like.

Only a week closer to the ceremony gala and Sam has invited everyone in village to the ball. Sure, the townsfolk did stormed in the castle, trying to kill Guy, but everything is all forgiven. And besides, it was all Snerz's fault for causing the mob by making up a phony tale in a first place.

The servants started decorating the ballroom while setting up the tables and foods, including the desserts. Minus the prune. Sam checks out everything on the lists until he notices something that is missing. He walks up to the shades and opens them up to let the sunlights in.

One more week past, Sam's belly has already gotten big, and the ceremony is ready. Sam and his friends who were dressed up casually looked at the ballroom proudly.

Sunset said proudly, "Look at this. It's perfect. And it is all thanks to you, Sam." Sam said, "No, Sunset. We all did. We worked together to make things possible." Twilight said, "All we have to do is wait for people from the village and other kingdoms to come, Guy will be arriving soon, and..."

"Ahh!" Sam screamed in pain. The girls turned their attention to Sam who was grunting and holding his stomach. Jasmine asked, "Sam, what's wrong?" He said, "N-nothing. I-I'm f-f-fine. It's just a little hard kick, nothings harm and no..." Another very strong kick causes him to scream in pain. Then he felt something wet between his legs.

"Oh no." Applejack asked, "What?" He said, "My water just broke. I think the baby is coming." Rainbow asked, "Now? As in right now now?" Sam said, "As in right now now." The girls gasped and Jasmine fell down to her butt.

Rarity said, "You can't be giving birth now! We're about to start the ceremony!" Sunset said, "Then some of us will have to keep them company. Applejack, you, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy watch over the people, keep them occupied. We'll take Sam to the nursery." Rainbow asked as five girls takes Sam, "What are we supposed to do?" She said, "Anything." They hurried to the nursing room leaving Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow with people who are coming in the ballroom. The three of them looked at each other frighten before start stalling the people.

The Equestria girls put Sam in the hospital bed as he keeps breathing. Michelle said, "Just keep breathing, Sam." Jasmine asked, "Is he going to be okay?" The nurse said, "He will. I never thought I'd be bringing the baby out in the castle." Twilight said, "We got to let Guy know." Sunset said, "Jasmine, I need you to write the letter to Guy and tell him to hurry back to the castle." Jasmine nodded and ran out of the nursing room.

She ran in her room and started looking for a paper. Jasmine found a paper and a pen. She wrote down, "Guy, Sam is in labor! Baby's coming! Please hurry!" Jasmine was about to fold the paper when she heard a horse walks and the carriage. She looked out the window and saw a royal carriage coming to the castle. Jasmine hoped that it could be Guy's carriage. Waste no time, she ran out of her room and hurried to the front door with a paper in her hand.

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