Sam's Lessons as Prince

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Later, the staff tightening Sam's waist, carefully not to hurt the unborn child. Phil said, "I still don't understand what the Master has seeing in you, but I'm pretty sure that we'll have you ready for the ball in couple of weeks." The servants dressed Sam in his new royal outfit. "Right now, we'll begin your lesson to be a proper prince." Sam said exciting, "Ooh, I can't wait! This is going to be fun!"

Phil said, "Ah ah ah, no. A prince should not be that exciting. He must be very grace and shows a gentleman manners. Like this, 'Of course.'" He said, "Oh, um, right. Of course."

After Sam was dressed, Sam suggested as he was about to open the shades, "You know, the outside is very beautiful today. Maybe we should open up the shades." "No, young Master. The shades must be remain close at all times. It should never be open by everyone. Especially by you." Phil said closing up the shades. Sam sighed before following him to the next room. Applejack saw what was going on and wasn't happy about it.

Phil and Sam arrived in the dining room. Phil explained, "Everyone of the Royals will have their own seats for a special dinner." Sam asked, "Shouldn't they take any seats they want?" Advisor said, "No, young Master. They should not. The Royals always remembers what seat they sit." "Your Highness!" Two heads turned to Marinette who arrived with two sheets of clothing.

Marinette asked, "Your Highness, Rarity and I were designing a new dresses and outfits and we have a bit of trouble of choosing. Do you know which one we should go with?" Sam looked at two sheets. One of those is a shade of blue with a lavender twirl design. And the other is a golden brown with nothing on it. That is a tough choices for a fashion designers.

Sam said, "I could see the problem. Both of them are very pretty, but you have to choose one. Hmm. You know, I say you should do both." Marinette asked, "Both? Are you sure?" He said, " Of course and I've seen this problem before. Rarity has this same thing when she has to design a new dress for the party. She asked me which one is better. There was red and purple. And each of them are very pretty. So I told her, it doesn't matter if you have to go with one of them. They're both fantastic. You could do both of them and maybe perhaps combine them. Feel what your heart is telling you within your mind." Marinette thought of what Sam said and realized that he could be right. She said, "Yes, yes. You're right. I'll tell Rarity what you said and tell her we can do both of these."

"No! No you shall not." Phil refused. Sam asked, "Why not?" He said, "You should never go with both of these choices. They just don't mixed. The gold brown should never go with the blue or even by itself." Marinette said, "Look, Phil, even if we could make separate dresses, we can make it more beautiful." Phil said, "Not with these filths. Here, tell this Barity to design these outfits." Marinette takes the paper from Phil and by looks of these designs, they're aren't very lovely.

Marinette asked disgust, "You want us to design these? They're awful!" Phil said, "Of course they're not. Now, get back to work, servant!" She glared and growled at that selfish advisor. "Yes sir." Marinette growled before walked out looking very peeved.

Sam said, "You know, what you're saying to Marinette is very rude." Phil said, "That's what you should do now that you're a part of a royal. You have to be rough on your subjects. It's where you get power." New prince said, "But I don't want to be mean." He said, "Young Master, you married our Master and you must do what he did, way before you decided to step in our castle." Sam argued, "I was trying to save my father." He said never cares, "Of course. Let's preceed to the kitchen." Sam followed the advisor to the kitchen. "And so, it begins." One of the servants said in a low tone.

In the kitchen, Phil said to Sam, "Every night, the chefs cooks up these delicious meal. We even have the finest feast for the ball." The chefs shows Sam and Pinkie who is somehow arrived in the kitchen so many delicious food that you can even think of. Especially Sam and Pinkie remembered some food from the dinner and show when Sam was taking care of Guy after Sam and his friends was attacked by the pack of wolves.

Pinkie was already drooling at these foods. She couldn't wait to see the desserts. Phil said, "And now, for desserts, Norwegian stewed prunes." He lifted up the lid to show some prunes. Gross!

Pinkie quickly covered her mouth from throwing up as her face turned green. Sam asked, "Prunes? For dessert?" Phil said, "It's the tradition dessert. The Master loves to eat this. And so do I. And don't forget to tell your idiotic friend not to throw up in the kitchen." Pinkie glared at Phil for calling her an idiot. Sam groaned and rolled his eyes.

Outside, Phil said as he and Sam walked towards the gate, "When our royal and special guests comes to the castle, you must always smile, wave, and greet the guests as they approaches to the castle. You have to curtsy to the royalties and wave to nobility. And don't forget to place a kiss on a lovely lady's hands." Sam asked, "Really? Is that all? I could do that. Easy." Phil nodded that Sam has already learning well.

Sam noticed some people from the town are calling out to him. Sam said happily, "Hey, it's my friends." He hurried to the gate to greet them. "Hey guys. It's great to see you all. There are so much to tell you." Sam was about to open the gate but...

"Stop! Stop! Stop! You should never invite these commoners!" Phil scowled. "But..." Sam started until Phil cuts his sentence, "We only allow royal visitors. Commoners are never welcome in the castle. Especially not after they stormed in trying to kill the Master." Phil shooing rudely to the people, "Shoo, shoo! Go away!" The people sadly walked back to their ride. Sam watched them leave. He even saw a poor child crying which really broke his heart. Sam sadly followed Phil back inside the castle.

Inside the living room, Sam was practicing dancing with poise and grace while having a three books on his head. Fourteen girls, Michellee, and EB watched him practicing dancing. The musicians were playing the music that*yawn*)...boring...

Phil said, "A prince must learn how to dance with poise and grace." Sam said trying to balance his head with books, "I'm doing the best I can. It just so hard to dance when you have few books on your head." He said, "Nonsense. The dance must be excellent."

Then, one by one, the other servants started to test Sam on what he learned. But he couldn't get anything right and they all started to talk all at once. Sam can't even keep anything up. He then suddenly tripped his own feet and fell. "Sam!" Sixteen ladies shouted before rushed to Sam and checking on him.

Phil walked to Sam and said, "You, young Master are disgrace. You could've get anything done by a minute. But instead, you'll embarrass yourself and the Master in front of the entire world. You should've stay at the town where you belong." Sam bowed his head ashamed. What Phil said about the embarrassment is right. Sam will let everyone down. And Guy, he'll be very much disappointment.

Sam got up and walked out of the living room without a word. The ladies sighed and know that Sam is very upset. They looked at each other and decided to try to cheer Sam up.

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