The Truth

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In ballroom, all of the guests were wondering what was going on and what is happening to the new crown prince.

"People, people. Calm down. You have to wait a little longer." Applejack said trying to calm the crowd. The royal woman said, "Wait? Ever since I've heard that we can't come to this castle ten years ago, I was outrage. What kind of excuse that this young Guy ever pull?" Rainbow Dash said, "I'm sure he had a good reason, but he rather not talk about it." The royal man said rudely, "And I suppose he also invited these commoners to the gala." Some townspeople glared at him.

She pointed out, "Technically, it was Sam who invited them. But it wouldn't matter. These townspeople are our friends." "Oh really? Like how they invade the castle?" Phil asked, entering the ballroom.

The same royal man asked, "What are you talking about?" Phil said, "I'm talking about is these commoners crashed in the castle seven months ago. They were trying to kill my Master because they think he is dangerous." Applejack defended, "Now, hold on just a minute there. It's true they did stormed in the castle. But they were lied by an evil man named Snerz. He's the one who started this lie."

Old royal man who looks like a general asked, "Really? Wasn't he lives in the village just like you three and your friends were? Including this young man name Sam?" "Well, yes. We do lives in the village along with Snerz, but..." Fluttershy started until Phil cuts her sentence short. "There you have it. They must've worked with this Snerz person and told him about the prince so he can start the mob." Rainbow Dash yelled, "What?! That's a lie!" Phil asked, "Oh really? Who told him about my Master and started this?" Applejack defended, "Snerz was trying to force Sam to marry him by taking his father and Sam showed everyone that his father was telling the truth when they didn't believe him!" He asked, "So, you put our Master in danger?" Fluttershy defended, "We didn't know that Snerz will suddenly lied to everyone in town! It was his fault!" Phil said twisted her words, "But you lead him to the castle so they can kill him."

"That's enough!" Someone shouted before Rainbow was about to say something. All heads were turned to face the owner who shouted. It was Guy. And with him are Sam, Ratchet, Clank, Sly, Qwark, Michellee, and the rest of the Equestria girls. Behind the wall near the entrance, Tirzah was holding Guy Jr and the rest of the girls with Nefarious and EB stayed behind.

The townspeople saw something different from Sam. Last couple of months, they noticed Sam's belly was twice as big since the last time they saw him. Some even asked him is he pregnant. But now, they saw that Sam was no longer pregnant.

Guy explained, "You all wanted the real truth? Fine! The truth was I was turned into a beast when I was a child! An old badger woman came to my home and I turned her down. And when I did, the enchantress who was the old lady in disguise suddenly appear and she made me a monster! She told me when I turn 21 years old, I have to learn love another and that same person will earn their love in return. That's why I told you all not to come my castle so you won't see me like that!"

All of the people stared in surprised. Nobody were expecting that Guy was a beast under a spell before.

The royal lady duchess asked, "Okay, even if we did believe you, how come you're still the same person, only older?" Sam admitted, "That would be me. I came to the castle with my friends when one of them told me Guy got my father."  Phil lied, "So in moments later, you turned your back on Master by telling everyone in village about him." Jasmine growled, "That's a lie and you know it!" Sunset added, "And Sam didn't betrayed Guy. He let all of us go after Sam told us that his father was in danger." Reggie agreed stepping in, "It's true. I was walking alone in the forest, freezing after no one believed me. Until Snerz brought the whole people in while saying that I was crazy." Phil pointed at him. "And you still are, you crazy man." Sam shouted, "Don't talk to my father that way, Phil! And he is not crazy!" Pinkie asked, "Yeah! How many times we have to tell you this!?"

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