Crown Prince

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"I never like that guy." Pinkie said as Jasmine blew raspberry at the door where Paul went out to. Sunset said, "Let's hope this is the last that we ever see him."

One of royals said, "Sam, I mean sir. We want to apologize to you, your friends, and your father for accusing you for what you did to Prince Guy. All this time, you were helping him to get through. You were showing him how to behave and taking so much care of him while he was a beast. We all want to thank you for saving him." All the royalties bowed in respect and Sam smiled before bowed back.

Guy said, "Now then, I believe we have another announcement that'll be happening soon." A Grand Duke asked, "Another announcement? What is it?" He chuckled and said, "You'll see."

Later, all of the townspeople and royalties were chatting and serving some food. Including snacks. A Duchess tasted the chocolate cupcake and said, "Mmm. This is a very delicious cupcake. And it's gooy from the inside. What kind of chocolate is it?" Pinkie said, "Well, it is chocolate cupcake. But I added something else inside. I called it chocolate cupcake pudding."

She said licking the remaining chocolate pudding from her lip, "Mmm. My, young lady, you really outdid yourself. That is very creative." Pinkie smiled proudly.

Guy watched everyone from behind the curtains. They all getting along great. He smiled before pulled back and asked Sam who is holding Guy Jr, "Are you ready for this?" Sam nodded and said, "Always." The prince smiled at his husband before takes a breath and walked through the curtains.

As few services blew the trumpets, everybody in the ballroom stopped talking and turned their attention to Guy.

The prince cleared his voice and said, "I would like to thank everyone from different kingdoms to come to the gala to celebrate. Including the townspeople. Years ago, I was a selfish spoiled little boy, going around bossing and scaring my servants. And that enchantress sudden came by when I was ten and turned me into what I'm not proud of. That's when I have to sent out letters saying not to come to my castle and banned every holidays."

"Every holidays? You mean you stop bringing the best holidays? Like Christm...?" Jasmine started ask until Ratchet sudden covered her mouth from behind before she say something. Ratchet said, "Jas, don't say it. Please continue, Master."

Guy raised his eyebrow at Jasmine when she was about to say the word. But he let's it go and continued his speech, "Anyway, I forced myself not to leave the castle so no one will see me as a beast. Until then few months ago, a lot of things changed. After I locked my father-in-law in the dungeon, I met this wonderful man who was from the village. Sure, I did scared him and his friends, but he changed me to become a better man. Well a beast." Some people chuckled at the last comment.

"I could've told him how I feel, but he found out what happened to his father and I couldn't take that away from him again like before. So, I have to let him and his friends go so they can help him. I wanted to end my life because I couldn't live as a beast forever. But, my husband returned back to the castle and saved me. I could've been...dead if it wasn't for his love. And now, I would like to welcome two more to be a part of royal." Everyone looked at each other confused while whispering.

Guy presented as Sam walked out from the curtains, "Everyone, please welcome the new member of the family." Guy takes his son from Sam's arms and walked a little close to the crowd. "My people, meet the heir to the throne, Prince Guy Jr-Am-I." He announced as he raised his child up for everyone to see.

Everybody stares amazed at Guy Jr. Applejack said, "Wow, would you look at that." Fluttershy cooed, "He's so adorable!" Rainbow Dash said, "Wow. Cool! He's gonna be the great king in the future." Reggie smiled and shead his tears, proud that he is now a grandfather, and meeting his grandson.

Guy gave Guy Jr back to Sam and two parents walked to the throne and sat down. Qwark and a servant who holds a pillow with two crowns walks to Sam and Guy. Captain takes the smallest crown and placed it on Guy Jr's head. "All hail, Prince Guy Jr." The people applauds and quiet down for the next one.

"And the new ruler of this castle and a husband to our Master, Prince Sam-Am-I." Qwark said placing the other crown on Sam's hat and everyone cheered. The Equestria girls were so proud that their friend is now a complete prince. And Reggie could've be more happier than he already has.

Sam and Guy turned to face each other. Sam said, "Wow. I can't believe this is happening. But I know that I'll face anything and I'll be the best prince." Guy said, "And I believe that that day is today."

Two husbands leaned forward and pressed their lips for a kiss. Whatever kind of challenge they'll face, they'll face it with all of their family and friends.

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