Sam's Surprise Announcement

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After lunch, Sam called out everyone in the castle and they all gathered in the first hallway by the stairs. Sam who is standing on the step said, "Um, hi everyone. As you all heard that we're back from our honeymoon. Well, technically, Guy was here with me until he got a call from the other kingdom across the sea and he won't be back until three weeks or at least." He chuckled nervously as the people continues to stare.

Sam cleared his voice and said, "Anyway, I have an announcement. Since my husband won't be here to tell you with me, I have to tell you. Everyone, Guy and I are having a baby." Everyone are still staring but were a bit shocked. Michellee asked, "Really? You two are planning to adopt one?" Sam said, "No, because... I'm pregnant." Now they all gasped.

Equestria girls screamed in exciting so loud that every servants back away from the screaming girls while covering their ears. Eight girls ran to Sam and tackle hug him.

Jasmine said, "I can't believe it! Our Sam is having a baby!" Rainbow said, "That's so awesome!" Pinkie cheered, "Sam and Guy are having a baby! Whoohoo!" Rarity said, "Congratulation Sam!" Sunset said, "We are so proud of you!" Twilight said, "This is amazing! I simply can't believe it, but it is!" Applejack said, "You're going to be a mom! Or dad. Or whichever it'll be." Fluttershy said, "We are so happy for you. I bet Guy is happy." Sam said, "He sure is. He just couldn't wait to be a papa." Pinkie said, "Ohh! I just cannot wait to make a baby shower. And I cannot wait to meet your child either. There are so many things we could do together."

"I'm afraid there won't be any of those." All heads turn to face a man whose fur is dark red wearing a casual outfit that a gentleman should wear. "You should all go back to work. That's all the announcement." The servants walked away to return to their duties. Well, only Michellee, EB, and the six girls stayed.

Jasmine asked, "Um, who are you?" The man said, " I am Phil. Prince Guy's royal advisor. And I certainly don't like your tone, young lady. Especially you're all from that dreadful town." Rainbow shouted, "Hey! You don't say that to our town! It was once our home!" Phil asked, "Of course it was. But was it your same town that once invaded our castle?" Sunset defended, "Yes, but it was Snerz who lead the mob." Pinkie added, "After he told a lie about Guy being 'dangerous'."

He pointed out, "But didn't this new...ugh...prince used the magic mirror to show everyone the Master which causes the mob?" Sam defended, "I have to save my father. They were about to take him away because they say that he was crazy. Plus, Snerz was the one who brought them because he was doing this so he'll get me to marry him." Phil said, "And maybe you should, especially that your father is crazy."

Jasmine yelled getting very peeved, "Sam's father is not crazy!" Applejack added, "And Sam was proving everyone that Reggie was telling the truth!" Phil said, "Of course he was. Anyway, the Master asked me to teach his 'husband' how to be a proper prince. Right this way, sir." Sam said, "Of course." Sam and Phil walked into the hallway.

The Equestria Girls watched them leave as they're glaring at Phil taking their friend away. Rarity asked, "That jerk! Who does he think he is?" Laura said, "Well, he is the second command of the castle besides being Guy's advisor." Tirzah said, "And we all know how you feel. We hate him as well." Amy said, "In fact, nobody in this castle likes him." Twilight asked, "If nobody likes him, then why didn't Guy got rid of him? Like throw him to the dungeon or better yet, banish him?" Talwyn said, "Well, that's the bad thing. Since Phil taught the Master to be mean and all, he won't get banish him out of the kingdom." Fluttershy asked, "Wait a minute. Are you saying that he's the one who taught Guy to be selfish?" Michellee said, "Yes. And he's the reason why the Master got turned into a beast in a first place."

Jasmine said, "That man is no advisor. He's even far more worse than Snerz." Sunset said, "No kidding. I just hope that Sam is doing the right thing." Serena said, "Me too. We cannot have another one of those spells again." Everyone prayed for Sam hoping that he won't become the mean and selfish prince like Guy was before he became a beast and waited for another ten years for the enchanted rose to bloom.

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