Make Things Right

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In Sam's room, Sam was sobbing on his bed. After that awful fails he has done, he feels like he had let everyone down. Including Guy. Sam heard a door knocking and said sadly while whipping away his tears, "Come in." The girls along with Michelle and EB entered the room.

Sunset said, "Hey Sam. We brought you green eggs and ham." Rarity said, "And some tea in case you need it." Sam said, "Thanks girls." Jasmine said, "Sam, you got to stop doubting yourself. You know it's not healthy for the baby." Sam said, "I know but, you heard what the advisor said. I am awful of being a prince. Maybe I made a terrible mistake of staying here and all." Michellee had enough of this. She doesn't want this happened like it did when Guy was a kid.

After Guy's parents were gone, Michellee wants to teach Guy the same way his parents would. To be a loveable and caring prince. But unfortunately, Phil took him in and teaches him how to do a awful things like being rude and all. And thanks to him, Guy became a beast and as he was waiting for the enchanted rose to bloom for ten years, Guy lost his hope.

Michellee doesn't want this to happen again. She's going to do what she hasn't done a very long time ago.

Michelle said, "No, you didn't. You made a right choice. You came here to help. And if you haven't come back to the castle, Guy would've stay as a beast for a very long time. I can help you to be a prince. The right nice way." Sam started, "But the advisor..." She said, "Forget everything he had tought you. He tries to make you to be someone you're not. Once you become that person, you won't be proud of everything you would done. To us, your friends, and your family. You are the nicest caring man in the world. And everyone in the castle loves you. You can still be a prince. But just be you."

Sam smiled realizing that there is a way and said, "You're right, Michellee. I can't keep doubting myself for what happened. Who cares what the advisor says. I am Prince Sam-I-Am..." "Am-I." Jasmine corrected him. "...Am-I and I don't take orders from anyone who tells me to do that isn't right. I wanted to have a wonderful life for all of us. Including my little one. But I can't do this alone." The ladies smiled at each other.

Twilight said, "You know we're always right by your side." Rainbow said, "You wouldn't save Guy and became a prince without our help." Jasmine said, "I can get Tirzah, Talwyn, Amy, Laura, Mavis, and Serena to help you to get the ceremony ready." Rarity said, "And we'll get the baby's room ready in time before the birth." Michellee said, "I'll teach you to be a prince and come with you to get whatever you need from the village." EB added, "And keep an eye on you in case anything bad happens." Sam said, "Thank you, everyone. I can always count on you. Come on, girls. We've got a ceremony to work on." All of the girls gives a thumbs up.

Sam-I-Am and the Beast-Am-I 2 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now