Part 11 Some of the truth

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Max's POV

I was somewhere soft and warm as I started to wake up. I could hear sounds coming from everywhere around me. People were talking all around me. People I sorta recognized. People I had just met.

"Have you told the kid yet?" That was Bull.

"No" That was dad.

"Why not? He should know what he's in for." That was Wolf.

"No. Not yet." Dad again.

"Listen Jack, he's a good kid. He's smart and you know he will remember everything anyway. Why don't you just tell him? I think he would like the heads up." That was Bear.

"Not yet. I'll tell him tomorrow night, after the party. He needs a day to relax. And this would stress him out. So not yet." Jack insisted.

"Panther, what do you say?" That was dog.

"Honestly, I think he can handle it. I mean it's really no big deal, is it? So he gets a little sick after he jumps. What was it for you Jack 2 days? Maybe he'll be different because he's so young. Tell him or don't, it's your call, Jack. You're his dad, but I would have him let you know somehow when he does go back. I'm sure you have already thought about that." Panther reasoned.

"Yes. As long as he can say two words to me, I think I'll understand what's going on. Then I can deal with anything that happens." Jack stated.

"What two words, Jack?" That was Wolf again.

"Isn't it obvious? 'Time travel'."

And that's when I had to fart. Just a little SBD (silent but deadly.) There was a lull in the conversation, but I could hear people sniffing.

"Panther did you just cut the cheese? You could have warned us. God, man, what have you been eating?"

"It wasn't me this time."

"Check the cub's diaper. See if I need to change him again."

Diaper? Bear changed me? How long have I been out for? And Whose lap am I on now? I felt air on my backside but just for a moment. "No, he's clean, but I'm still going to blame him, because I know it wasn't me this time."

So, I was with Panther. I knew this fur was different. Then I felt what could only be panther's paw pet my head and back. I could feel the fur going down my back. And that could only mean... I had no clothes on. An arm wrapped around me completely covering me up.

"When he's curled up on my lap like this he's more like my kitten, not your cub."

And that's when I moved the wrong way and let out a giant fart. I couldn't help it. I started to laugh silently, but my whole body was shaking. Panther knew I was awake by that point. The whole room was laughing as Panther just kept petting me.

Then Bear said, "You may want to recheck his diaper. I think your kitten just left you a mess." And everyone laughed harder.

"When my little kitten decides to get up, he will tell me if he needs a change." Panther wrapped me tighter in his arm and just kept petting me, however, he did look down at me as I opened one of my eyes and looked at him. But he played it off and the conversation continued. It became a boring conversation about stuff that didn't interest me. At some point in time somebody got up and handed something to panther. I opened my eye to see what it was.

It was a glass of water. I instantly started to get thirsty. I licked my lips as I stared at the glass. Panther saw so I pointed at my mouth barely being able to move, but I managed. He got the hint and asked someone to get me something as well. A bottle of pink stuff came into my view moments later. Panther sat his glass down and took the bottle. He gave me a sign to close my eyes and I did. He moved me in to a better position so that I could drink from the bottle. My head was on his bicep, and my ankles were on his wrist. If I was dressed up like a cat I would have looked just like a kitten in his arm. He put the bottle up to my lips and I started to drink.

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