Part 9 The beginning of the end

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still Sam's POV

"As for my proposal that will take some time to explain." And so, I explained what my idea was. We went back and forth fine tuning the idea. And finally, after about an hour and a half, we had a plan, a way that might just help Max and at the same time make it better for us as well. Better for us to tell when Max was hitting his limits. Better for Max to be able to not have another panic attack.

We started putting our plan in to action. We got some memos sent out and before we finished, we had already started getting replies. The ones that I read where all positive. Everyone liked the ideas we sent out. Although, nobody knew the real reason for the change in the schedule, they were all on board. Everyone in the base needed a break every now and then and the new activity seemed to be loved by all. We just hoped that Max wouldn't freak out about it.

After we were done with the plan, we started back up on the work we were doing earlier. We were getting all the information that Max would need for his trip to the past. We both were hoping that he would be ok after his nap and that he would finally let us help him with the stress that he is under. We had only a day before our plan would start, so we had to make the best of our time until then. And getting Max on board was important, but not the be all, end all. We where going to do our new activity no matter what. And as for helping Max distress here at our new home...Well, he was going to have to let us help one way or another. We just hope this all won't backfire, but I guess we will see.

(Max's POV)

After I woke up I was still a little groggy, but I was good enough. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. As I was looking in the mirror I saw something. Something that I hadn't noticed before. I started to think about how I saw myself. I was a teenager that has been through a lot lately. A lot of new things have been happening to me, but also to Sam and dad as well. They have been handling it all, and they haven't had to take time off for a nap in the middle of the day.

"God, I just take a nap like a little kid. I still look like a little kid too, at least in comparison to everyone else here, I am a little kid. I am the youngest person on the moon." After saying that out loud I had to laugh. I was still looking at myself in the mirror and I tried to think about what all the other people saw when they looked at me. I started a mental list.

Little kid. At first glance, maybe 8 or 9. On second look in these work clothes (footie pajamas) maybe younger.

The person that has to go back in time to save the world.

The child that is the boss's son.

The person that is taking up everyone's time.

A complainer.

A child.

A brat.

The worst kind of person to have to deal with.

And that got to me. This little kid staring back at me in the mirror was a selfish little child that needed all the attention. And that's when it really hit me. I was that little kid. I was the one that was being a brat, wanting the attention. Being selfish just like a little stupid child.

"I can't go on living like this!" I say out loud at my reflection. I hang my head not wanting to see myself anymore. Not like this. Not anymore. I need to change. I need to grow up. I need to be an adult about all this. I need to accept the way things are and not what I wish them to be.

I need to just suck it up and do what needs to be done. I need to grow up now, so I can deal with all this like Dad and Sam. No more will I complain about this stuff. I will do everything they tell me to do. No more naps. No more getting upset. No more breaks. Just get it done no matter what.

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