Part 15 And now it begins

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(still Sam's POV)

As the game was over things in the cafeteria started to go back to normal. Well, sorta normal. People were coming up to me to congratulate me on my win. Normally I wouldn't be talking to any of these people except about work, but now they wanted to talk about other stuff like the game, my age, my past, even my clothes I had on, just anything that came to mind.

I also noticed that there was a crowd around Max. I was a little worried about that until I saw all the guys standing up. They towered over everyone, so they were easy to see. I knew he would be safe and that if or when he needed a break from the crowd the guys would make that happen, so I continued to talk to my little crowd.
Jack's POV

After Max came flying in and tackled Bear of all people, I couldn't help but be happy. I forgot to turn off the link to his bear and I heard him laughing as Bear started tickling him. Then he announced that Sam was the winner of the game of tag. I turned off his link, but I was still curious about what they were talking about. So, like any curious dad, I listened in. He was making sure that the guys where all ok and that they were going to get drinks, so they didn't get dehydrated. I ordered up drinks for everyone so they would have them here sooner rather than later. I think the kitchen staff were the only ones that didn't take part in the game, but if they did, they were on the ball. Within 2 minutes our drinks were at our table.

I got up and was going to hand out the drinks to the guys and Max, but to my surprise Max came to the table as soon as the drinks got there.

"Thanks, Dad, the guys really need these." With a happy smile on his face we took the drinks to the guys. I guess he ordered the guys to "Stay put. You're too tired and sweaty." Again to my surprise, they listened to him. They sat there as we brought the drinks to them. As they were drinking and getting there strength back, a crowd started to form around us. The team was getting nervous, I could see it in there eyes and movements, but once again Max of all people told them "Calm down. I got this." He then turned around putting his back to the team and said, "Give them some room. They need a break for a moment. After they have a drink and can stand up again, then you can get their autographs."

They laughed but kept their distance. Max started talking with some of the people while the team looked on. One by one the team started to get up. When they all were on their feet again Max said "Now remember these are very scary and dangerous animals here. They don't like crowds. So be nice. They might bite if you don't."

That got a big laugh out of everybody, but the people still looked a little scared of them, until one woman came up to Bear and put her hand out and said "Hi Bear, I'm Jane. Thank you for not running me over back there."

They shook hands and Bear said, "I hope I didn't hurt you. I couldn't stop in time, so I just did what I thought would hurt you the least."

"Oh, hunny, you can pick me up anytime." She smiled warmly and even patted his bicep. Bear blushed and glanced away.

That broke the tension and then there was a massive meet and greet. Everyone wanted to know, well, everything about the team, everything from where they got their costumes, to if they were wearing anything under them. That question got a blush out of Wolf. At some point in time Samantha came to join the party bringing another smaller crowd with her. They also wanted to meet the team.

We all got lost in the crowd eventually. It was about 30 minutes later that I started to get worried about Max. I knew he didn't do well with crowds, and with the mass of people talking I couldn't hear him anymore. I sent a quick message to the team asking if they knew where Max was. I got a ping back saying that he was safe and to look under the table.

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