Part 13 I got FOOD

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I was not feeling my best. And with what has already happened; well, today is probably going to be bad. At least that was what I was thinking. Just after waking up, I have had the pee scared out of me. I have been depressed. I was basically forced to dress like a child. I have been embarrassed in front of everybody. And to top it all off, I NEED FOOOOOD. I'M STARVING.

I have had enough of all this bad stuff happening to me. I know some of it was me doing it to myself. And that part had to stop. I am so exhausted right now, but at least Bear is taking me to FOOD. Food is what I need. Food can make everything better. I see food. I want food. I have to have food!

As Bear is walking to the table I start to reach out. The top half of my body is away from Bear as I reach for FOOD. The only reason that I am still upright is because Bear is so strong. I start to pat his chest with one hand as I still try to reach the FOOD with the other.
Bear's POV

"In coming. And I think he's hungry." I warn the table as I try to control Max. It's actually cute. He's doing the whole grabby hands thing. With one hand he's telling me to hurry and with the other, he's trying to grab the food. That or he just wants to be with everybody, but my guess is the food. He hasn't eaten yet today, and it's already been a long one for him. I'll bet you I could get him down for a nap after breakfast. I guess I will be dealing with Little Max this morning. Now I feel bad for scaring him earlier. I mean, it was funny. And in the end, he was laughing at me and that young pup. I wish I could have seen it: Husky arguing with a teddy bear. That would have been priceless. But this being the outcome... not worth it.

I hold on to Max the best I can as I sit down. It doesn't work. The second my butt touches the seat he's grabbing any and all the food he can reach. Hand over hand he's grabbing food. By the time I could control him he had almost emptied two plates.

"Ok guys, pull your plates away. Unless you don't mind it going in my cub's mouth." French toast with syrup, gone. Half a pancake also with syrup, gone. Bacon, gone. Sausage from two plates, gone. Max was a black hole when it came to food. And today he wanted it all. He was cramming it in as fast as he could get a hold of it. I was surprised he wasn't choking on it.

And what was everyone doing during this shark feed? They were all laughing and awwwing at how cute and messy this was.

"Hey Bear, you think we should take the food away? You know, before he chokes or something?" Wolf asked.

Then we all started to laugh as Max let out a mean sounding growl. The look on his face said it all 'You touch my food and I will eat you.' When we started to laugh Max looked up at us, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to eat. He had four plates, literally licked clean before he slowed.

I was really glad I didn't have my paws or head on, because what he did next shocked us all. He swallowed his last mouthful then he turned in my lap. He put both his messy, syrup covered hands on either side of my face, and kissed me.

Everyone was so shocked there wasn't a sound coming from the table.

After he kissed me he pulled back, looked me right in the eyes and said. "That's what you get." And then he rubbed my cheeks with those nasty hands of his. The whole table burst out in laughter.

My jaw went slack. My mouth opened. I could taste the syrup dripping into my mouth, but I couldn't say anything.

"Hey Bear, you might want to close your mouth before he shoves something in there. He does have hands that need to be cleaned."

I snap my mouth shut as I see Max start to turn around to face me again. "I wouldn't do that to him. He at least got me food." Max turned to face Wolf. "You were the one that wanted to take it away from me." As my cub started to growl. "Don't you know better than to get between a cub and his food?"

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