Part 6 Where we are

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Jack put his watch up to the panel. The panel beeped, then the doors started to open.
The light coming from the door's opening was so bright I had to cover my eyes, but when I opened them back up, I could see the cafeteria and it was huge. I would have to say it was the size of a football field. It was sorta shaped like one as well. Only about half was being used. So, about 50 yards to our right had tables set up. The left 50 yards had basketball hoops, volleyball nets, and other indoor games set up. There were people playing most of the games. But I was really interested in the smell of the food. My nose led me to my right, where I found exactly what I needed. FOOD. My mouth started watering as I walked towards the different stands. This place was set up just like a food court in a mall. You had everything from pizza to Chinese even McDonald's and Cinnabon. This was a food paradise. I loved it.

Jack had to stop me and Max both. I didn't realize, but we both had started to run to the food. I guess we were both really hungry. "Kids, no running in the food court. At least not on this side, ok?" We both looked a little sheepish as we said sorry. We three started to walk to the food after that. We sorta had no choice in the matter. Jack had grabbed our hands to hold us back. I know what you're thinking: a little childish, but our stomachs were trying to pull us on. I think the only reason I didn't start running again was Jack holding me back. I really needed that food.

I was like a kid in a candy store when we got to order. All of my favorite foods were here. I wasn't even thinking about anything except what I wanted to eat. We got our trays and we filled them with what we wanted. But when we got to the end of the line to pay for it, that's when it hit me. "Um...Jack, how do I pay for this? I don't have my wallet. I don't have any money to pay for this."
I really started to feel bad. I never really thought about money. Somehow, I always had some, but ever since Max found me, I never really worked. I mean I had the odd job here and there. I made enough to feed myself, but I just started to think about rent for where I lived and the power and water I used. Who has been paying for all that? Not to mention all the stuff that just showed up where I lived: all my projects I have been working on. I found almost all of it in that building, but how did it get there and just when I needed it?

As these thoughts were passing through my head Max said "Dad, she doesn't know."
I looked a Max and said, "I don't know what?" 

"Sam, you don't know dad's rules. They're simple. He will get you everything you need as long as you follow his rules." 

"Ok, now I'm confused. What rules?" I paused to ask him with my face clearly showing my confusion.

Max held up his hand and started to tick them off. "1. Pass your classes in school. 2. Clean your room. 3. Pick up after yourself. 4. One chore a day. 5. Help out when asked. 6. Shower every day 7. If dad tells you to do something, do it. That one is meant for those odd things. Like the time he had us count down from 10 then there was a meteor shower. And 7. Be yourself. See? Simple." Max finished with a smile and a nod.

"But Max, I'm not you. I'm not his kid living in his home. And I don't go to school either." I pointed out patiently.

"But you are my friend. And we agreed as of yesterday you're my new big sister. So that counts. Not to mention you do have a room in our house now. Sooo...." 

"Don't worry about it, Samantha." Jack said with a little chuckle. "You're taken care of. Nobody up here pays for anything. All your needs will be met. It's the wants that we sometimes have a problem with. But for the most part those can be taken care of as well. So, don't worry about anything while you're here."

Now that was a lot to think about. And believe me, I was going to think about it. As my stomach growed, I decided to think about it later. Both Max and Jack heard my stomach, and we all laughed. We took our food over to a table after we all had our watches scanned. "That's just to help inventory. To see what people want. Don't get me wrong here. We are all being tracked at all times. Everything here is, except for our personal computers. Those iPads I gave you two are not. If they were hooked up to the Wi-Fi here, then they would be."

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