Chapter 7

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I sat on the dock with my feet hanging off above the water. I was looking at the sunrise that was rising at this time. It was a bright purple and pink.

Lots of people were already up and eating breakfast and outside running around. I turned and saw Luke with all his friends walking outside. He saw me but didn't do anything. I stood up and stepped into my slides. I began walking down the dock making sure to keep my head down and not look up. I ended up running into something. I quickly looked up and saw my dad.

"Oh, hi dad." I sighed.

"You okay?" He asked.

I gave him a fake smile and nodded. He smiled and walked off. I watched him walk off till I turned around erasing my smile. I quickly put my hair half up and half down. I walked past Luke not even realizing it.

"Melissa? Did you get fatter over night?" Eve laughed.

"Shouldn't have eaten those marshmallows last night, your turning into one." Michael snickered.

I began running down the path that circles the lake. I ran off the path and into the woods. I ended up stopping when I saw a wooden swing hanging from a tree branch. I sat down on it hoping it didn't brake. I kept my head down and finally started crying. Letting all the emotions out of me through my tears.

Why can't I be skinny like Eve. Why can't I be perfect for Luke and his friends. Why am I so fat? Why do I have to be so sensitive?

There was a crack of a stick. I looked up.

"Hello?" I called through tears.

That's when Luke walked out from behind a tree.

"Oh god. I don't want you to see me like this." I giggled a little and looked down.

I heard him making his way towards me. He lifted my face up with his hands on my cheeks. I looked at him and wiped my face. He sadly wiped a tear off my cheeks.

"Why are you crying." he asked kissing my cheek.

"You wouldn't care." I shrugged.

"I wouldn't have followed you if I didn't care." he pointed out.

"I'm fat and ugly. That's why I'm crying." I shrugged.

"You are not ugly or fat." he insisted.

"Oh be quiet. You didn't say anything when Eve and Michael pointed it out." I scoffed.

"I did once you ran off." he promised.

He pulled me off and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my head in his chest.

"My friends are dicks and I'm sorry about that." he whispered.

I laughed and pulled away. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We began walking back to the camp.

"Luke! We're going swimming on the boat again wanna come!" Calum asked.

Luke looked down at me and I shrugged.

"I'm dressed." I shrugged again.

"You shrug a lot." He smiled and kissed my shoulder slowly.

I watched with my mouth open and my eyes fixed on his lips coming in contact with my shoulder. He looked up at me through his eyelashes. He pulled away.

"You like that?" He smirked.

"Yeah." I blushed covering my face.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me on the boat.

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