stay longer: lol x pearl

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1987; kiss me x3 era

Lol was getting tired of being the third wheel. Whenever the band had a moment to relax, Robert and Simon always crowded around each other; giggling and chatting away like girls. It was irritating, especially whenever lol tried to spend time with one of them alone. Lol just wanted to spend time with his friends without them being so involved with each other.

Even now, lol was sitting in his room that he shared with simon. Lol wanted to smoke a joint and try to relax since it had been a while since they had a break from playing shows. Obviously that isn't what was happening, Robert had made his way into their room and now sat with Simon on his bed, talking quietly with each other and giggling like loonies. 

Lol was being ignored yet again,  he was getting tired of it. After a moment longer he finally decided he had had enough, he stood up with a sour look on his face and grabbed his stash of weed. He knew better than to leave his stuff unattended, the two love birds would probably smoke it all and leave nothing left.

“Im leaving” lol announced, looking at simon and robert who barely even acknowledged him. Lol sighed before grabbing his room key and leaving, he might as well go see pearl. At least he would actually pay attention to him, pearl wasn’t really the type to bring girls around or sleep around. Lol had a weird feeling about Simon and robert; sometimes he heard things…

Lol shook away those weird thoughts before knocking on pearl’s door. The lucky bastard got a room all to himself since they accidentally ordered an extra room. Lol was rooming with Simon, Boris was with Robert, Roger was sharing a room with the tour manager and Pearl got a room all to himself. Lol was a bit envious, he would much rather be alone than having to witness simon’s and robert’s odd friendship.

Lol stopped in front of pearl’s door and knocked, waiting until pearl said ‘come in’ before entering the room. “Hey, you busy?’ lol asked, closing the door behind him and looking over to Pearl who was sitting on his bed brushing his curly hair. Pearl was dressed casually in a white loose shirt, a blue flannel and loose pants. Pearl had his hair down fully, and he still had a bit of makeup on. That was something pearl and robert had in common, they both wore makeup. 

Pearl looked over to lol and smiled, “not at all. Just relaxing.” pearl said, setting his brush down and facing lol. Lol nodded his head and walked over, pulling out his weed. “Want some? Simon and Robert are taking up space in our room again, I didn't want to see all of that” lol said, smiling sheepishly at his friend.

Pearl laughed and nodded his head, motioning for lol to sit. “Sure! I don't mind if you take refuge here.” pearl said, tossing his hair over his shoulder before facing lol properly. Lol grinned, taking a seat on pearl’s bed before pulling out a joint he rolled earlier. “Thanks, it gets so tiring watching them practically snog each other all the time.” lol said, making himself comfortable and lighting up.

Pearl laughed, seeming to know something lol didn't; though lol didn’t seem to care too much. “They are close. What else are they going to do?” pearl said, scooting up and sitting next to lol before taking the joint and breathing it in. lol watched pearl, raising an eyebrow at the lipstick stain that was now on the joint.

“Say, why do you and Robert wear makeup?” lol asked curiously, he hadn’t really asked before; actually he never got a chance to. He didn't want to offend Robert since Robert was sensitive, and he never thought to ask Pearl either. It was normal for them to have lipstick on, or a bit of blush and mascara. Lol didn’t think it was weird, it looked nice on them both but pearl especially made it look good.

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