head on the door

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    With drunken laughter, the group of 4 stumbled out of the dingy bar they had decided to belly up at. Robert hung onto Simon’s arm like a leech, barely able to stand up on his own.” bloody hell rob!” Simon laughed like a donkey, barely able to walk straight either. The year was 1985, they released a new album head on the door. It was late September now and they had just a bit of time to relax before they went on to their next venue to play a show.

Robert lifted his gaze and smiled at Simon, reaching up and pinching his nose. “You laugh like a donkey,” Robert teased, pulling away from Simon. “Laugh like a donkey?? You look like a donkey!” Simon retorted with that same cocky grin he always had on his face. Robert stuck his tongue out at Simon and began to run down to the beach that wasn’t too far from sight.

It was rather convenient really because the pub was just a few meters away, and Robert ran for his life. Simon bolted after him, the two men giggling like little school girls while lol and pearl followed after calling for Robert and Simon to slow down. They didn't, actually, they seemed to forget that they were completely leaving lol and pearl in the dust in favor of their little game.

Simon soon caught up to Robert and grabbed him by the waist, swinging the drunk male around before trapping him in his arms. “Got- you-” Simon laughed, breathing heavily due to how fast he had been running. Robert laughed harder and pushed Simon’s shoulders. “Bloody tart- let me go!” Robert grinned, tripping a little and squishing his face into Simon’s chest.

Simon laughed and shook his head, making sure that Robert didn't fall. The two men laughed for a long while, and Robert was sure they looked like loonies standing and laughing in the middle of the night. Robert finally lifted his head, still giggling every now and then, and gazed up at Simon. Robert looked over Simon’s face, his eyes straining a bit since it was so dark.

Suddenly a soft silence fell between the two drunk men, who were snugly pressed against each other. The sound of the waves hitting the beach caught Robert’s attention for only a moment before his focus returned to Simon. “Erm… I wonder where the others are.” Simon said, his voice quiet as he finally released Robert.

Robert cleared his throat and shrugged, suddenly missing Simon being so close. “Not sure,” Robert said, lowering his eyes before looking up at Simon. Robert noticed the slight sweat on Simon’s brow, he was probably hot from running around like lunatics. Robert looked to the ocean before he smiled. “Let's put our feet in the water!” Robert exclaimed, already kicking his shoes off.

“What? But it’s probably freezing!” Simon said, watching with wide eyes as Robert trotted over to the water and giggled. Simon’s stomach wrenched, he had to look away. Simon didn't know what he was feeling towards his best friend, but it was definitely not normal for Simon.

Robert smiled brightly at Simon, waving him over. “Come on already- are you just going to leave me all alone?” Robert said, finally stepping into the water. Robert drunkenly kicked the water, splashing around like a fool, but Simon thought it was adorable. Finally, Simon relented and kicked his shoes off.

Simon joined Robert, sticking his feet in the water and laughing, enjoying the moment with Robert. The two men danced around in the water, splashing each other and messing around like children. They were in their own little world once again, and soon enough lol and pearl found them. Pearl was the soberest out of the group and took the responsibility of hauling the three back to their hotel rooms.

Of course with being the rowdy blokes they were, they made quite the scene when entering the calm and quiet hotel. The group ran up the stairs, not caring if they were acting way out of line. Simon had nicked a fancy bottle of wine but refused to tell where he actually got it from. Pearl sent Robert and Simon to their shared rooms and practically locked them inside.

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