play for today

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Robert was far too gone to be walking around the streets of London so late at night. The poor bloke could barely see straight, however at least he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by Lol Tolhurst, a close friend of his as well as Simon Gallup. Some bloke that he had just met that night.

Robert didn't pay any mind to him though, not at the moment at least. He was more focused on returning to his van and crashing in the back of it- because he'd be damned if he had to sleep at lol's place for the third night in a row. Robert thought he was a slob, but lol was on a whole different level. It seemed to always smell like a horrible mixture of mold, weed and sour cheese.

Robert rubbed his eyes, trying to see where exactly he was. The last thing he needed that night was to get lost. "-that poor bloke fell right on his face afterwards!" lol's annoying voice intruded on Robert's train of thought, much to his annoyance. He had been leading the group for a while now, but lol was doing nothing to help with directions. Robert didn't even know why he was leading, he had never been in this part of town before!

"Oi, would you shut it tolhurst and use your eyes? Were getting fucking lost." Robert snapped, giving lol a disapproving glare. A surprised look made it onto lol's face, who seemed to just now realize that they were walking in literal circles. Simon, who had been happily chatting away with lol looked around as well.

"Oh- we're not lost! My pad is just around the corner, i don't feel like walking around much longer and i have more drinks in my fridge.'' Simon spoke up, a lopsided smile resting on his face. Robert didn't want to do that, he wanted to sleep. However he knew that the decision had already been made by the eager glint in lol's eyes.

"Yeah! Sounds good mate! Lead the way" lol said, completely ignoring Robert's pointed look. The two men walked right past Robert, ignoring his growing irritation. 'Bloody hell- this is not how I wanted my night to go...' Robert thought bitterly, slowly trudging after the two merry men.

After walking a few more blocks, they stopped in front of a shabby looking brick house. It had bars across the windows for protection against robbers, and dead looking plants sitting in front of it. Robert wasn't impressed to say the least. "Here we are.." Simon mumbled, digging through his pockets looking for his keys. Once Simon succeeded in pulling the keys out of his pocket he opened the front door and allowed lol and Robert inside.

"It's not much- and sorry for the mess!" Simon chuckled quietly, kicking off his boots before closing the front door behind him. Robert did the same, placing a hand on the wall to steady himself as he did so. "Right! More drinks then!" lol said in a cheerful manner, making himself at home and going straight to the dimly lit kitchen. Robert lingered by the door, feeling uncomfortable in the new surrounding he found himself in.

"You alright man?" Simon's voice caught Robert off guard and he quickly stood as straight as he could. "Im fine.." was Robert's quick response, not bothering to even look at Simon. Robert sighed softly, lowering his eyes to the ground until suddenly he felt a hand place itself gently on his shoulder. "You look ill, do you need to sit?" Simon pressed, peering into Robert's face to gauge his expression.

For some reason, the moment Simon touched Robert's shoulder he felt his stomach drop and his face burn. Robert quickly brushed away Simon's hand, blaming the alcohol for his weird reaction. "I think so.." Robert said, his blue eyes slowly wondering over to where Simon stood. Robert looked up Simon's long legs that were clad in tight leather jeans, leaving nothing to the imagination. Robert willed his eyes not to linger and instead turned his gaze to Simon's face.

Robert had yet to get a good look at Simon, to say the least Robert was surprised at how handsome Simon really was. He had this roguish look to his face, it seemed like Simon only wanted to have fun. His eyes were the deepest brown Robert had ever seen, and his eyelashes were long enough to brush his cheeks every time Simon blinks.

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