teasing SIMON X MALE O.C

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This was requested by TheCureheadVeronica !❤ hope you enjoy :)

Simon teases his friend, who is a reserved guy with no sexual experience. Simon taked advantage of this, seeing as he has a crush on the o.c (known as stu or specks) and gives Stu a handy


With an irritated sigh, stu walked into the shared bedroom he had with simon. Stu had known robert and simon for a little while now, and now he had been helping them with the music tech for their shows. Stu was more reserved than Robert was, but he was smart. Very smart, and horribly naive as well.

Stu wasn’t very interesting, he was rather plain looking and spent most of his time with his nose in a book and diving headfirst into a piled mess of wires. Stu helped the band give good shows in the background, he wasn’t well known with the public, but he was known to be a good technician. 

However, the most shameful thing was that stu… hadn't ever really gotten with anyone before. He had never really been interested in girls before, he just simply went on his way; oblivious to the few birds who did show him a bit of attention. Hell, stu didn’t even really ‘take care’ of himself either.

Stu’s childhood wasn't the best, his father was a drunk who took his anger out on his wife and only child. To cope with such harsh treatments, stu became like a brick wall; showing no emotion and believing that love was nothing but a sham. Something that didn’t truly exist, and that at the end of the day; this so-called ‘love’ would always fade.

“Come on specks, smile!” Simon teased, coming up behind Stu and wrapping his arm around Stu's shoulders; grinning boyishly at his friend. “For what. I have nothing to smile about.”  Stu mumbled, shrugging Simon's arm off of his shoulders. “Ugh, honestly simon; could you not call me names like specks either? Just because i wear glasses doesn’t mean i won't shave your head in your sleep” stu warned, shuffling over to his neatly made bed.

Simon crossed his arms, “you wouldn't dare” Simon said, a smirk resting on his face as he watched stu sit down and take off his shoes. “You don't know that, I'm unpredictable,” Stu said, finally giving Simon a small smile before looking down and taking off his glasses to rub his tired eyes. Stu had been working all day fixing the stack amps that simon had broken somehow; stu didn’t know how simon did it but he fixed it, thankfully.

“I’ll be sure to sleep with one eye open then” Simon grinned, closing the door behind him before kicking off his boots and trotting over to Stu's bed. “Now scoot over!” Simon said, getting ready to jump onto Stu's bed.

“Ah- simon no!” stu barked, but it was too late; simon had already launched himself into the air. Stu let out a frightened screech before ducking out of the way; proceeding to fall off the bed and onto the floor as Simon landed hard on his bed.

“At least warn me first!” stu yelled at Simon, grabbing his glasses that had been knocked off his face and putting them back on. Simon looked down at stu with a shit eating smile, “oh, sorry. Not my fault you're so scrawny specks” simon giggled, holding a hand out to stu.

“Come on, get up here” Simon said, a bright smile resting on his face.

Stu eyed Simon, hesitantly lifting his hand to grasp Simon's larger hand before climbing back up onto his bed. “You really are an ass..” stu mumbled, sighing softly before sitting cross cross. Simon laid on his side facing Stu, “at least i'm not a nerd '' Simon teased, watching as Stu rolled his eyes.

“Say, what’s your full name specks?” Simon asked suddenly, moving to sit up properly. Stu pursed his lips before shrugging, “it’s stupid..” stu mumbled, drawing circles on his knee. “Does it look like I care? Just tell me!” Simon urged.

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