sounds of passion

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Robert sighed, leaning his cheek into his fist as he stared blankly at the knob table in front of him. So many choices, so many affects- how was Robert supposed to choose which to use for this song? It was too much, he had been staring at this table for hours now- the rest of the band had already left to go drinking.

Chris offered to help, but Robert didn't want to keep Chris from having fun. Robert sighed and pushed his chair back from the table, mindlessly spinning around in hopes of inspiration suddenly striking. Robert slowed down, leaning his head back and staring at the ceiling before chewing his lip, thinking about Simon.

Robert tapped his finger on the arm of the chair before sighing heavily, feeling bored. "I wish he was here." Robert sulked, sitting up properly.

"You wish who were here?" Simon's voice suddenly appeared, startling Robert. Simon had come back to the recording studio, carrying takeaway and beer. Robert brightened up immediately when he set eyes upon his closest friend and lover. "Simon!" Robert smiled brightly, standing up and bouncing over to the intimidating man.

Simon kicked the door to the studio closed, grinning boyishly at Robert. "I bought take away from your favorite Asian restaurant and brought beer- thought you could use a bit of a distraction since you've been obsessing over what sound effect to use for hours." Simon said, placing the bag of food down onto the small table next to the couch.

Robert let out a small huff, "i can't help it if all these buttons confuse me sometimes. I don't see you helping.'' Robert said, feeding a sassy tone before walking over to the couch and sitting down. Robert peeked into the bag, eyes sparking. Robert hadn't realized how starved he was, he was thankful to have Simon to provide him with food or else Robert would probably starve to death.

"Mn, suppose you're right, love." Simon smirked, sliding his hands into his pockets as he watched Robert pull out his food. Robert licked his lips, eyeing his food before suddenly looking at Simon. "Sit with me?" Robert asked softly, a warm smile spreading across his face as he lightly patted the cushion next to him. How could Simon say no to an offer like that? Especially when Robert had that smile on his face.

Simon smiled and quickly took the seat next to Robert, relaxing into the cushion as Robert opened his food and began to eat. As Robert shoveled food into his mouth, he leaned against Simon; enjoying the familiar warmth and comfort Simon offered. "So, do you have any idea what you wanted to do for the song?" Simon asked, wrapping his arm around Robert's shoulders and pulling him in closer.

"Mn... well, i have an idea though i don't know if it would be any good... the song, i want it to give off a specific emotion- almost like a sense of desperation in a moment of passion? Ugh- i don't know, i sound stupid" Robert rambled, suddenly shutting himself down and shoving another mouth full of food into his gob.

"What? How is that stupid? I mean the song is called all i want after all Robert- if it's not about sex then what else is it going to be about?" Simon quipped, stopping Robert's hand for a moment. "I mean honestly, the first lyric is 'tonight I'm feeling like an animal, tonight I'm howling inside.'' Simon said, raising an eyebrow at Robert; who pursed his lips.

"I know but- i'm just having trouble getting into that mindset... especially when i was alone.'' Robert said, his blue eyes looking Simon up and down. "But... it's always easier to get in the mood when you're around si." Robert hummed, licking his lips once again before flashing a coltish smile and turning away to focus back on his food.

Simon snorted before pinching Robert's nose. "Cheeky bastard, don't get smart with me" Simon growled, releasing Robert's nose before standing up and walking over to the sound board. Robert pouted, rubbing his nose with his hand before abandoning his food and following Simon. "What are you doing?" Robert mused, coming up behind Simon and hugging him; feeling rather clingy and needy for Simon's attention at the moment.

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