alone together...

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"What? Does that feel good?" Simon's low, greedy voice whispered into Robert's ear; causing the blue eyed male to whimper pathetically into Simon's neck. Simon always had this funny way of getting exactly what he wanted from Robert- whether it be food or something more intimate...

Robert was currently sitting on Simon's lap, no trousers or boxers on; his shirt open wide and slowly slipping off his shoulders and face flush with arousal. Robert was hiding from Simon, pressing his body as close as he possibly could to Simon's and keeping his face nuzzled into the crook of Simon's clothed shoulder.

"S-stop teasing me si.." Robert whined pitifully, grasping the front of Simon's shirt tightly in his fists; his desperation starting to show more than he would like. "Hm? Sorry, what was that?" Simon purred, his hand slowing down even further on Robert's aching cock. Simon was determined to have Robert begging him for more, to completely give in and open up in his arms.

All night long, Simon had been thinking about Robert. Simon couldn't get the thought of Robert out of his head, it was maddening; especially when Robert would do things intentionally to rile Simon up... with each secret glance they shared at the pub- the more Simon wanted him. Robert had been teasing him all night long, and now it was time for a little revenge.

A small groan of frustration rose from Robert and he began to squirm, his desperation starting to show. "Simon please" Robert whined, releasing his vice grip on Simon's shirt and instead moving his hands to Simon's hair, desperately gripping the dark locks. "I'm going mad..'' Robert said hoarsely, his lustful gaze locking onto Simon's devious smirk.

"Going mad?" Simon hummed, squeezing Robert's leaking cock before leaning forward and stealing a kiss. Simon forced his tongue into Robert's welcoming mouth, loving how weak Robert was in his arms. Simon pulled away, his predatory gaze flickering across Robert's flushed expression. Simon let out a breathy laugh, using his free hand to grab a fist full of Robert's hair and pull his head back; making Robert gasp sharply.

"That sounds like a you problem love~" 

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