warm touches

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Slowly Simon opened his eyes. Why he was awake he had no idea, but he soon found himself unable to fall back asleep. Simon still felt a bit groggy and drunk, he had been at a party that evening with Robert and the rest of the band, drank far too much and ended up passing out. Simon strained his eyes to look around the dark room, it looked like Robert's room.

Simon sighed before stretching out, his body aching a bit before he relaxed against the soft pillow that seemed to be calling him back to sleep but like the bastard his brain was he just couldn’t seem to fall back asleep. 

Suddenly he heard mumbling near his ear and nearly jumped out of his skin. Simon’s head turned and there lay sweet Robert, curled around a pillow with his body facing Simon's. Robert wasn’t wearing a shirt, and simon couldn't see if the other was wearing any type of undergarment or not.

Slowly Simon rolled onto his side and watched Robert's sleeping face. Looked like Robert had forgotten to take off his makeup, there was black smudged onto his face and pillow. ‘What a loon’ Simon thought with an amused giggle before reaching out and brushing away a piece of hair from his lover’s face.

Simon and Robert had become accustomed to sleeping together, their relationship had evolved from a close friendship to something much more deeper. Simon found himself infatuated with Robert, in everything he did. Robert was so impossibly alluring to simon; he honestly would do anything Robert asked of him without second thought.

Robert never took advantage of that though, in fact Robert was rather coy when it came to Simon's sexual and romantic desire for him. They were like two young lovers first discovering the pleasure of sex with each other (even though they both had girlfriends; that was more for a cover up for the press but the girls didn’t know that.)

Simon hummed a little and turned on his side so he could just stare at robert, how his messy hair still somehow managed to defy gravity and stand out like a head of spider webs, or how robert’s chest would slowly rise and fall. Robert’s eyes would twitch every now and then, and with how much Simon was laying in the same bed with Robert, Simon came to find out that Robert was in fact a sleep talker.

It was very amusing how Robert would spew random thoughts in his sleep, sometimes he would go on about the day and Simon would happily listen. Other times Robert would whimper for help to escape an awful nightmare, and in response Simon would promptly wake Robert up and hold him all night long until Robert felt better.

However, one thing simon had never witnessed with robert’s sleep talking was robert having an erotic dream. Simon would love to see that though. Simon propped his head up on his hand as he watched Robert sleep, noticing how Robert would shift every now and then. Simon figured that Robert was having a dream and watched closely in case he needed to wake Robert up; but was pleasantly surprised when Robert let out a soft moan under his breath.

Simon went wide eyed as Robert nuzzled his face against the pillow and squeezed his legs together, shifting his hips a bit. “Nm… si..'' Robert breathed sweetly under his breath, making Simon's cock hardened immediately. Simon sat up and watched in amazement as Robert squirmed against the bed in his sleep, whimpering lewd things in his sleep.

Oh how could Simon have gotten so lucky to have an opportunity like this? Robert was giving him such a show, and as the blankets slipped further and further down Robert's body Simon could see that Robert was in fact wearing boxers as well as supporting a rather stiff erection.

Simon licked his lips, his throat feeling tight now as he watched robert practically hump his pillow. Simon blushed, looking away and thinking only for a moment if he should wake Robert up or not. Then Simon got a wonderful idea, he would wake Robert up, but not in the way he would expect.

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