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Teams POV
Win didn't show up until halfway through first class..
I wonder why?
I guess I'll ask later at swim practice. 
I went back to taking note on the lecture.
Most of my 'notes' are actually just doodles. 
I looked toward Mannaow who was painting her nails.
I turned around and held out my hands to her. "
"Will you do mine?"
"Ooo sure! What color?"
"Any color you want."
She began to paint my nails a shade of light pink as I stared at what she was doing curiously.


"I've got to head to swim practice!"
I didn't wait to hear a response as I was already late I sprinted away and  after a few moments I reached the lockers.
"You're late."
Shit it's Win.
"I'm very sorry Mannaow was holding me up!"
I said turning toward Win. His back was facing me and I saw some scratches on his upper back.
"Win, those scratches look like they hurt what happened?"
"I fell down a hill on my way to school today. I didn't ride my bike because a friend is borrowing it."
"Can you swim with them?"
"Yeah I'll be fine"
That explains why he was late.
I pulled my clothes off and stuffed them in my locker.
"Ah, Win! I brought you something! I'll tell you what it is after practice."
"Okay. We have to head out now, otherwise they'll yell at us."
He grabbed my hand and led me out.
We got into our positions and dove into the water.
I couldn't tell if I was going quicker than anybody else but suddenly I had this moment where I remembered

*random flashback*
"Mommy! Mommy!"
"Yes, my lovely Team?"
"Can I go in the water?"
"Yes you can just don't go to far"

mommy it's hard to breathe everything is blurry please help me..

"TEAM! TEAM! BABY?" my mother's voice called into the water.
"Please go save my Team!!"
I suddenly tensed up in the water forgetting all knowledge of swimming I started to sink but desperately tried to push myself back up.

Win's POV
When I got out of the water I glanced around to see many of my juniors still in the water only Dean had finished already.
After a few more seconds everybody was out of the water and as regulations I counted everybody.
"There's a student missing!"
I looked at all of their faces and realization hit me harder than my dad.
I quickly jumped back into the water and reached for Team who seemed to be fading in and out of consciousness.
Pulling team towards me I swam back up to the surface of the water and carried him out.
"What happened? He's one of our best swimmers how did he end up like this?"  Chao Fah asked
"Is he okay?" Dean said crouching beside Team who was now laying flat on his back beside the pool.
Don't panic don't freeze up you've done this before.
I checked his breathing for about 10 seconds before beginning cpr.
Team began to stir and cough up water.
I wrapped my arms around him and held him there still in shock.
"Team what happened?" I whispered.
"I.. I don't know I just froze." Team said between coughs while also being more terrified then I am.
He hugged me back and began to try to stand up.
"Stay sitting down for a while, it'll do you no good."
"Hey Win?" Dean called to me.
"Can we talk in the lockers really quick"
"Yeah. Lim make sure he doesn't get up yet."
I followed closely behind Dean.
"What's up?" I said crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.
"What do you feel towards Team?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because we're friends and I should know."
"I feel the same way you feel towards Pharm. I love him."
"Don't let it interfere with our club or else we'll have a problem. When do you even plan to tell him?"
"I'm happy how we are now. I'm fake dating him. I convinced him to do it for my fan page, but really it's just for me."
"That's cruel to yourself. Isn't it miserable? You want him but you can't actually have him and he's completely clueless."
"No, I am happy! Why risk my and his friendship until I know he feels the same about me?"
"DEAN!! WIN!! Teams trying to get up and he won't listen to us."
I walked out to Team.
"Stop trying to run away would you?"
"No. I'm going home."
"I'll take you just wait a minute."
"I'll be fine."
"No you won't I'm taking you home."
I walked with him to the lockers where he threw his clothes back on and pulled sweets out of his locker.
"Dean said not to eat in here."

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