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Team's POV

Win took me home and left for a few minutes without saying anything.
While he was gone I just laid on the couch watching shows.
He came back with some icecream and sat down beside me, passing me an icecream. "Hey, are you feeling alright now?"
"Yeah, I'm feeling fine."
"Well then.. I wanna get something off my chest. I don't want to fake date you anymore I want to actually be with you. Dean told me I would never be happy like this and at first I thought it would be okay but he's right."
I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about him. Should I just say yes and hope for the best.
"Okay we can date then"
Win took a bite out of his icecream before moving his hair away from his eyes.
   "Can I try yours?" I asked staring at the icecream.
"Only if I can have some of yours."

~a few moments later~

Win's POV

"I liked yours more." Team said smiling.
"It doesn't mean you eat all of it."
"It does in my book."
I leaned really close to Team as he turned a bright shade of red before flicking him on the forehead and backing up.
"You have some on your nose." I wiped the icecream away from Teams nose.
I wrapped my arm around Team's shoulder and turned towards the show.
"What's this show about?"
"I don't know I just put it on."
Team turned towards me and gently pulled the ponytail out of my hair and grabbed three locks of my hair and began to twine them into a braid.
"Your hair is too short to do just one braid on I'll have to do two."
"That's alright!"

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