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"Welcome to the team y/n, you are an avenger"
Words you never thought you would hear. Captain America shook your hand and smiled "you are going to be a vital part to this team y/n"  you smiled back "Thank you Cap".


"NAT she's here!!" "Seriously all ready? God it's like your fan girling over her.What if she's an asshole?" "Then she's an asshole" "I'm excited to be working with her, she has similar powers to me, it's like I have a child that I can help get better, Nat I'm so excited" "ya don't Say"
"Nat, Wanda I would like you to meet y/n" Steve moved from y/ns path to reveal her "hello" you spoke softly "hi im Wanda and this is Natasha " "hi, it's a pleasure to meet you both" "Wanda can help with your powers, you and her have similar powers" "Yes we do" Wanda said "that's- that's amazing"
"Nat, Wanda can you show her to her room please"
"Of course cap"

Nat and Wanda held both of your arms and brought you to your room, when you got to the wing your room was located in you had a wave of fear, stress and sadness smack you in the face that mad you lose your balance "woah you okay?" "Yea-yeah I'm fine just a lot of emotions" Wanda and Nat looked at each other but you ignored it.

"This is your room" Wanda opened the door to reveal an all white room with large windows, a queen size bed and gray floors. "Woah this is, this is beautiful" "we can help you unpack if you would like" "oh no no that's fine I only have the one bag but I'll catch up with you guys later?" "Sure thing y/n, see ya later" "bye guys" the two left your room.

You placed your bag on the bed and walked around the room. You were definitely not use to this, your parents never had much nor did they really like you due to you having powers. when you turned 16 they kicked you and sent you on your way.

You opened a closed door to reveal a beautiful bathroom, you turned the shower on and looked around to see shampoo, conditioner and a variety of body wash. On the sink there was a not from Nat "Didnt know what ya liked so I got a bunch of different scents" you smiled at the note then looked back at the shower.

You placed your clothes in the basket and got in the shower. The warm water felt like magic falling down your back. Remembering the last time you took a shower was hard. you picked the sweet pineapple scented body wash that soon filled the bathroom with its scent. After you  washed your hair and got out.

With the towel wrapped around your body you seen a T-shirt and sweats on the dresser with stark industry's on it. You put them on and they were pretty comfortable. You made your way down to the kitchen to see if you could get a snack then out of nowhere a red man came through the wall "holy shit" you yelled "hey language" you turn to see Cap "sorry".  "sorry to have startled you, my name is vision. You must be y/n or Aid" the red man held out his hand "ye-yes that's me"  "it's a pleasure to meet you y/n" "nice to meet you to" he smiled then left.

You looked around then back to cap "uh cap may I meet some of the others?" "Of course they are all probably in their rooms, just nock" "okay thanks"

You began walking through the hall, you had already met Nat, Wanda and vision  so u didn't bother saying hi. First you met Sam, then a smaller boy name Peter. You made you're way back to where you're room was to have the same wave hit you as before. You held your head and looked around to see a room a little bit father down.

As you got closer the feelings got stronger, "holy shit". You weren't fully able to push the feelings out but you got them under control in your head . You knocked on the door but no one answered, "hello? Is anyone in there?" There  was no response so you made you way back to your room.

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