Chapter 23: Round Three (Ash vs Paul)

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*Serena's POV*

We are now sitting in the audience seats and by we, I mean Dawn, Shauna, May, Clemont and Bonnie. Brock and Iris and Misty. Misty was selected for the third round but she ended up getting late and got disqualified. We are now waiting for the next announcement of the battle.

Dawn: When is it going to start?

Brock: Soon, Dawn. Have patience.

Shauna: They will begin soon.

The host: Hello! Ladies and Gentlemen The next battle is between Ash and Paul!

Misty: This battle is going to be interesting...

Clemont: I wonder which pokemon they will choose.

Brock: Probably Ash will  choose Infernape and Paul will choose Electivire.

Dawn: Hmm..

*Serena's POV ends*

(Ash and Paul enter the large battlefield. Both stand determined, ready to win the battle.)

Referee: This is a 3v3 battle between Ash from Pallet town and Paul from the Sinnoh region. There will be no substitutions. Let the battle begin!

Ash: Pikachu, I choose you!

(Pikachu jumps from Ash's shoulder and  lands on the ground.)

Paul: Weavile, Let's go!

The Host:  So, Ash has chosen an electric type pokemon Pikachu and Paul has chosen a dark type Pokemon Weavile!

Ash: Pikachu, Use Tackle!

Paul: Dodge and Use Dark pulse!

(Weavile dodges the attack and makes a dark  purple ball with his hand and throws it towards Pikachu. It hits him but the attack was not that effective.)

Ash: Alright, Now use Electroweb!

Pikachu: Pikaa!

(Pikachu runs towards Weavile and makes a yellow and white ball on his tail and throws it towards weavile. It dodges it.)

Paul: Use slash.

Ash: Dodge and Quick attack combo!

(Pikachu sprints towards weavile and dodges each of its attack.)

Paul: *hmm.. He is stronger than before..* 

Paul: Weavile, Use hyperbeam!

(Weavile starts to make a orange beam with his hands and shoots it towards Pikachu.)

Ash: Quick attack to dodge it!

(As the hyper beam shoots straight at the mouse pokemon he dodges it  and sprints towards weavile. He hits him hard.)

Paul:  Fury swipe!

Ash: Dodge and use thunderbolt!

(Weavile draws out his sharp nails and runs towards pikachu who dodges it and shoots a thunderbolt at him. Weavile falls down fainted.)

Referee: Weavile is unable to battle that means Pikachu wins! Paul please send out your next pokemon.

Paul: Return, Weavile.  Drapion, Win this for us !

Ash: Drapion, huh?

The host: So, Paul has chosen Drapion!  Ash still has Pikachu!

Referee: Battle begin!

Ash:  Use Thunderbolt!

Paul: Dodge it and use Poison sting!

(Pikachu shoots a thunderbolt at Drapion who manages to dodge it and throw small sharp thorns which contained poison in them. Pikachu was unable to dodge it and  falls down, poisoned.)

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