Chapter 47: Dancing with Fire!

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Serena's keys: 1

Ash's current rank: 9671th (Normal Class)

(Currently, Our gang is in Hulbury town for Serena and Shauna's performance. Serena is currently getting dressed in her usual red dress while Braixen is helping Pancham with his sunglasses and Sylveon is helping Skitty with her ribbons while Mincinno sat on Serena's bag, watching them. Mincinno starts feeling left out and looks down. Serena and others soon notice this. Serena gently rubs Mincinnos head, brushing the hair away from his face.)

Serena: Aww, What's wrong, Mincinno? Are you feeling okay?

Pancham: Pan cham cham?

Mincinno: Mincinno cino!

Serena: You want to participate too?

(Mincinno nods his face.)

Serena: I know, Mincinno. I can't really use you yet. I will definitely use you in the next performance! I promise!

Mincinno: Minc?

Serena: Yeah! For now, I will leave you with Ash and others so you can watch our performance, okay?

Mincinno: Cinno!

(Serena smiles softly at the tiny mouse Pokemon.)

Serena: Alright, let's go drop you off to Ash.

(Serena picks up Mincinno and starts heading towards the lobby. She sees Ash and others standing with each other chatting. She heads towards them.)

Serena: Hey, Ash!

Ash: Serena? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be getting ready for your performance, now?

Serena: Yeah, But I thought I would drop off Mincinno to you.

Ash: Oh, well, then come on, Mincinno!

Serena: Thanks Ash!

Pikachu: Pikapi Pikachu!

Speaker: The following participants should report to the backstage immediately. Serena, Shauna, Miette.

Ash: Anytime, Serena. Well,  off you go! Good luck!

(Mincinno gets close to Ash and waves his tiny hand. Serena smiles and leaves with her Pokemon. Serena soon joins other participants in the backstage.)

Miette: Goodluck, Serena! *winks*

Serena: Best of luck, Miette!

(Miette  leaves for her performance. Soon, it was Serena's turn.)

Monsieur Pierre: And now welcome ze very most talented, lady Serena!

(The crowd started cheering as soon as she rose from the stage. She threw her pokeballs in the air, her Pokemon coming out and standing in their designated stance.)

Serena: Alright, Braixen. Let's start this off with some fire! Flamethrower!

(Braixen lights her stick with fire as she began to do cool tricks in a circle around Serena.)

Serena: Okay, Pancham. Your up! Stone edge!

(Pancham takes a leap and hits the ground with its paw, making stone pillars arise from the stage. Serena, Sylveon and Skitty continued to dance in the middle.)

Serena: Sylveon, Fairy wind, Braixen Ember! Skitty Hidden power!

(All the three Pokemon obey their trainers orders and soon the stage was performed into a fairy most which was mixed with small fire flames and white stones.)

Serena: Alright, let's finish this up! Braixen and Sylveon! Fairy wind and Flamethrower! Skitty and Pancham dance!

(Sylveon releases a pink mist, while Braixen releases flamethrower, making the most disappear.)

Serena: Finished!!!!!

(The crowd cheers loudly. Soon, it was time for the results to come out.)

Monsieur Pierre: Okay, now. Time to announce the winner! Performers, come up on the stage!

(All the participants rose up on the stage.)

Monsieur Pierre: Okay, now ladies and gentlemen, please hold up your glow sticks and vote for your favourite performer!

(The auditorium gets dark and podple light up their glow sticks. The colourful particles fly towards the trainers.)

Monsieur Pierre: And the winner is.......Serena!!!

(Serena looks up in surprise. She goes towards Monsieur Pierre and claims her key from Klefki.)

Monsieur Pierre: Congratulations, Serena! This is now your second key! One more to go!

Serena: Yeah! Thank you, Thank you so much!

(Serena heads to the backstage where she gets engulfed in a hug by her Pokemon. Soon, Ash and the gang approach her with their congratulations. Ash first hugs Serena tight and kisses her.)

Ash: Congrats, Serena! You were great out there!

Serena: Thanks, Babe!

Dawn: Yeah, you rocked!

Serena: Thanks, Dawn!

(Then, they make their way back to their school to celebrate Serena's victory.)

(A/N: Balancing college and hobbies is tough, man. I hardly get time to write. Sorry, if this part is short and seems rushed, I had no freaking time. Hope you like it. If you do, please vote and comment! I will try to publish chapters quick as I can. Have a nice day/night!)

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