Pokemon Special Edition 2

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  It's just me and my pokemon  (Part 2)

Charizard: Rooooaarrrr!! (We ain't returning until we find us a cave to rest.)

Ash: *surprised* What?

Infernape: *nods* inferrr (Let's go find a cave or something.)

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

(Pikachu approached Charizard and climbed on Charizard's back. Charizard smiles and grunts, taking off into the air. Others dash right after them, with Infernape and Greninja swinging from one branch to another and Staraptor
flying above.  Soon,  they find a cave, they get inside. It was a small, Rocky cave built at a side of a mountain. Each of them curled up beside Ash, who was pushed into a sandwich in the middle. To make some space for himself, he put his left arm behind Charizard's neck and right  arm behind Greninja and Staraptor's Neck. Pikachu was on Ash's leg with Infernape laying down beside his leg. Sceptile was laying against Charizard's huge stomach across Ash's torso. They cuddled with each other. Ash put his head down and said.)

Ash: Wow, Thanks guys for keeping each of us warm tonight.

Charizard: Grr!

Ash: Charizard, Pikachu, remember that night we got stuck in a snowstorm and we dug a cave and huddled together to keep each other warm like this?

Ash: Charizard, Pikachu, remember that night we got stuck in a snowstorm and we dug a cave and huddled together to keep each other warm like this?

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Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Charizard: Grrrrr!

Ash: Sceptile, remember that day when you had just evolved and were trying to use the moves but failed and ran off?

Ash: Sceptile, remember that day when you had just evolved and were trying to use the moves but failed and ran off?

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Sceptile: Scep Scep! (I could never forget that day!)

Ash: Infernape, remember when you were a Chimchar you collided with Paul and we did a battle with him and you found your blaze ability? I hugged you right so you could stop cuz you were hurting yourself?

Ash: Infernape, remember when you were a Chimchar you collided with Paul and we did a battle with him and you found your blaze ability? I hugged you right so you could stop cuz you were hurting yourself?

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Infernape: Infer Infer! (Yes! Of course!)

Ash:  Staraptor, We were participating in a pokeringer contest and we were against Paul and you evolved?

Ash:  Staraptor, We were participating in a pokeringer contest and we were against Paul and you evolved?

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Staraptor: Staarrr! *Flutters his wings*

Ash:  Greninja, remember when I was really down because I could not make our bond strong enough and We had to take shelter in a cave like this from a snowstorm and saved a bunch of spewpa?

Ash:  Greninja, remember when I was really down because I could not make our bond strong enough and We had to take shelter in a cave like this from a snowstorm and saved a bunch of spewpa?

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Greninja: Gre nin nin!

(With that said, They continue to have a friendly chat. Soon they went to sleep. Snuggling next to each other.

*Timeskip to morning*

The sun rose high in the sky. Rookidees gave out their morning call, waking up Pikachu. The mouse pokemon twitched it's ears and gave out a yawn. Seeing it's friends and trainer still asleep, he decided to wake them up. He went to Greninja first, shaking him gently. Greninja shakes his head and gives out a small yawn.

Greninja: Gren?

Pikachu: Pika Pika Pikachu.

(Greninja and Pikachu start to wake everyone up. Lastly, their trainer was on the ground, dozing off. Charizard smirked and let out a small tornado on his trainer's face. Ash got up, screaming of the sudden pain.)

Ash: Why did you do that for?

(Charizard and others start laughing. Ash rolls his eyes and gets up. After grabbing his bag, he said)

Ash: Ready to head out?

Sceptile: Sceptile!

Ash: I will take that as a yes!

(They exit the cave. After traversing through the forest, they finally found their school. They rushed towards it. After getting closer to the school, they saw their friends, walking outside the school. They immediately saw him and waved.)

Gary: Where were you, Ashy-boy?

Misty: We were worried for you!

Ash: Don't worry, I am fine..

Serena: Do you know how much you made all of us worry.

Ash: Sorry, guys ..

(Ash rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.)

Serena: It's alright for now.

(They headed back in the cafeteria for their breakfast and continues the day.)

(A/N: Long time no see! Sorry guys, as I said , I was going to start updating after my exams, but I went on a trip and loads of parties were held after that, so I could not update. I am really sorry. I will now start updating as per the schedule. One chapter, once a week. Hope you guys, like this special. I will now continue to write our most awaited part. Have a nice day/night!)

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