the journal

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a/n: 80k reads..... i'm in actual shock, this book is quite poorly written and only gets somewhat good around the middle, it honestly is astonishing but i'm so over the moon some of you enjoy the story and the characters as much as i do, i love you all, to even read this far honestly is crazy to me, thank you.

chapter 31: the journal

I continue scrolling until i saw something,
in the right corner of a picture of Louis with his cousin, i zoomed in thinking i was just going crazy again, but i was right, the man- the restroom man is in the background of this photo, but the photo was took at Louis' house before the party, why was he here, if no one knew who we was.

Then i remember, he introduced himself to me.
He really did, i remember it all, i was over by where the food was in the kitchen and he comes up and talks to me.

He holds out his hand for me to shake it but pulls it away as i went to shake it and just laughed, really creepily. "Hi Delilah,  I'm Louis' Uncle Tom"

His uncle? it cant be, no one recognised him.

"THESE PAST FEW HOURS.. some of Louis' family has been around to say happy birthday and present him with gifts, and still every single time he introduced me as his girlfriend my stomach swarms with butterflies. His family is really nice, except from his Uncle Tom, i'm pretty sure he's a pervert, shit i'm probably not suppose to think that"

oh fuck.

I keep looking through the photos and in most of them i keep seeing him, every time i see his face i take a screenshot.

I end up getting really clear photos of him, my heart is so sunken but at least i'm at peace with knowing where i've seen him before. How could he do this to me, what clicks in a person's mind to ever do that to someone? how fucked up can you be.

I reminisce on the night trying to think of everything that happened, i start to write in a journal and map out everything i knew, i used Sam's printer and started to print out the photos of him and stick them in, i know i'm not a detective, i wish i was, but right now this is all i've got.

Over the years i've tried so hard to build my confidence, to realise my self worth and always learning to love myself, i'm not letting a lowlife man ever ruin that for me,


I still couldn't wrap my head around how he got into the house, i know he's been arrested but i just need to know what his motive was.
I just couldn't connect the dots.

I sigh and just give up, for today. I put everything away and just when i do that i hear the door swing open, i look up and Louis is standing in the doorway with bags of takeaway food in his hands, "Bone apple teeth" he bows and holds out the bag, i laugh and just take it from him, he gets the remote for the tv to presumably put on netflix but i take it from him and turns the tv back off.

"I want to hear about your day" i express opening up the takeaway box revealing a classical sausage and chips, after a few bites he wipes his mouth with a napkin, "It was honestly very fun, we got to do this scene where we jump off a train, obviously not a real one but it was so enjoyable, i wish you could've been there but we left quite early today and didn't want to wake you" he told. "That sounds like a lot of fun, i'm surprised everyone wasn't still hungover or something or atleast a bit wary because of what happened to me-" he cut me off, "Lilah can we finish talking after we've ate" he strokes my face and tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear, i gently nod as he puts netflix on and we continue eating.

That did kind of hurt me a little bit, maybe it was just the timing, he's had a long day and he's probably just tired, i shouldn't just bombard him with my problems.

A FEW HOURS LATER..... After me and Lou ate, i just rested on him for a while both of us just scrolling through social media. I quickly get up and notice Louis always try and get up to follow me, "Lou, i'm going to get in the shower" i rub his shoulder and he sits back down, i find it sweet he wants to follow me everywhere but at the same time it's kind of worrying.

I just want to feel clean of his touch, i scrub so hard but it still feels as if he's all over me.
The whole time i was in the shower i just kept trying to think what was his motive?
how did he get into the house?
does he know someone and that's how he got in?
what did he want with me?
why me?

After my long train of thoughts in the shower, i wrap a towel round my body and tie my damp hair up and make my way back to the bedroom, and that's when i see Louis sitting on the edge of the bed, journal in hand, dangerously staring at the pictures.

He notices my presence switching his gaze, staring in my eyes ever so deeply.

small chapter im very sorry!
a/n oh lawwwwwwwd, i love cliffhangers.
for the first time through writing the whole of this book i know where it's going and i've planned most of the rest of the book.
Don't worry- there are plenty more adventures to come, the story will brighten up at some point.

feel free to discuss or maybe ask questions? :)
have a lovely day/night <33

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