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Waking up by his side is truly magical, he is my boyfriend and my bestfriend, and that's the best it can get. I love the way he blows the hair out of his eyes and awkwardly reaches for the back of his neck when he's nervous, i love it when he tucks my hair behind my ear, i love it when we had our moments, the pauses, where we were left waiting for the other to make a move.

"Staring at me Mendes?" Louis' morning voice exhursts, i quickly look towards the ceiling pretending i wasn't , "Me? uh- nope , no i was looking at the ceiling" i lied, "Of course you were" he chuckles and kisses my forehead and he starts to get up.

It was a rainy day today, almost felt like being back at home, but the streets still looked gorgeous somehow as i open the door to the balcony, i stand on the platform and breathe in the morning , i loved the smell of rain, it felt like home, although i never really knew what home felt like.

Louis went to the bathroom to go shower and i just went to the couch and scrolled through instagram looking at all the feedback we got when we announced we were dating, it's crazy how people care so much although i couldn't blame them, i do the same.

Suddenly my phone started ringing..


Nope i am not doing this again, mother needs to learn , i am sick and tired of it, i came to Italy to get away from that huge mess and i am not being sucked back into it.

I declined, however it kept ringing, she's probably forcing them to call me.

They rung up to seven times when my weak little ass decided to actually pick up.

"Hello, This is Claire from Quartz Rehabilitation Centre, Is this Delilah Mendes?"

"Yes it is" I huffed

"We need you to come in , it's urgent"
they sound so sincere.

"I am ... not in the country"

i hear the lady sigh,

"What's wrong this time?" i asked

"You- Your Mother overdosed l-last night"

i dropped the phone..
i could hear her asking me if i'm there really quietly
i'm struggling to breathe
i am at a loss
for words,
i didn't even want to ask any more questions
yes, she still could be alive
but by the cracks in that lady's voice i knew otherwise

I fall to the ground, smashing my knee's onto the carpet and screamed in pain, Louis came rushing in and held me and i slowly lose all balance and lay all my weight onto him, although he has no idea what is happening, he just continues to hold me and kisses my forehead in total shock. I sob into his shoulder as he rubs the back of my head, i want to give him insight on what just happened but due to the lump in my throat i cannot speak, the painful crying sounds surrounds the apartment, crisping at every corner.

The more i thought about how i could've prevented it the more i fell into Louis, i could've been there, i could've helped her but no i flew to fucking Italy.
This is all my fault.
Slowly but surely i managed to calm down slightly, i prompted my head up and Louis was staring into my watery eyes, he caresses my cheek wiping away some of the tears.
"M-My M-mother she's d-"
before i even finished, he pulled me into his warm embrace,
He holds onto my head and let's me cry but at the same time comforting me, i don't deserve him.

An hour later

I wake up , laying on the couch with a blanket over me, i slowly get up and Louis notices and rushes towards me, i feel my eyes are puffed up, i must've tired myself out from all the crying that i fell asleep.
He comes and sits on the floor next the couch, he caresses my cheek and stares into my eyes, i can tell he does not know what to say, which is fine, i wouldn't know either. I decided to break the silence to at least make it a little easier on him, "Thank you" i managed to push out of my mouth, "You don't need to thank me, im always going to be here for you, regardless" he continues to stroke my face with his thumb.

I am heartbroken.

Louis went out grocery shopping whilst i stayed in and watched netflix, he wanted to comfort me with food, fuck the boy knows me so well.

I managed to finish about 2 episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine by the time Louis got in, he looked so excited which lifted my mood so much, product by product, he started putting the food away.

He then paused and reached down and placed a vase, of which i immediately recognised were lilies, if you are unaware, my mothers name is- i mean was, Lily.
He looked back up at me, "Is this okay" he nervously reaches for the back of his neck, i get down from the chair i was on and ran up to him and hugged him, I pulled my face away and instantly kissed him without hesitation, after the kiss i layed my head on his chest and let out a "Thank you so much, I love you" , he kissed my forehead and responded "I love you too Delilah".

Louis, its the little things you do that light up my world, i knew the next coming weeks were going to be difficult, but a lot less difficult with this brown haired boy by my side.


❤️ by milliebobbybrown, justinbieber and 128,383 othersdelilah

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❤️ by milliebobbybrown, justinbieber and 128,383 others
delilah.mendes: the strongest woman i've ever met, i'll love you forever mother, rest easy 🖤


a/n: i'm sorry🥺🥺🥺
thank you so much for 4k reads!

don't forget: you can always message me
if you are going through a hard time, you are not alone.


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