silent treatment

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Rose leaves me and Louis in the apartment to unpack, we are so excited.
"Hey, do i look cool?" he says putting one of my bucket hats on him, "Of course you do" i laugh and try to snatch it off his head when he moves back, causing me to fall right into him, our faces are so close , i can smell his minty breath brushing against my nose.
"Kiss me" he demands as our lips are almost touching,
without hesitation i smash my lips onto his, deepening it at every chance, he wraps his arms around my waist and i wrap mine around his neck.
He pulls away "Wanna grab food?" he asks whilst rubbing the lip gloss off his lips, i laugh and nod

He gets my bag for me and we head out of the door,
we walk out of the building and Louis spots a beautiful cafe in the distance, he looks so good right now, "Louis, pose" i laugh and point the camera towards him and take some photos of him.

We start making our way to the cafe when our hands accidentally touch whilst walking , but instead of ignoring it, Louis holds my hand and we make our way.

We sit down and a waiter comes to get our orders,
the waiter was the typical "Italian Boy" He is utterly gorgeous, he must be a model or something but then looking around, everyone here is so attractive, did like vogue lose all their models in Italy or what?

"What would it be for you, gentlemen?" the waiter asks Louis, "A chocolate muffin with hot chocolate please", he's so cute.
The waiter turns to me and to be honest i got a little flustered, he had the deepest brown eyes "What about you, beautiful?" he asks me as i don't respond for a good 10 seconds, "Oh um, same as him please" the waiter nods, purses his lips and walks away.



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❤️ by delilah.mendes , milliebobbybrown and 184,832 others
louispartridge: italy w my favourite person
view all 20,837
delilah.mendes: omg atleast wait till we've finished eating
milliebobbybrown: miss u both

We finish eating our muffins and drinking our hot chocolate and we start to get up as the waiter from before, slips me a piece of paper and i know Louis saw him do it, i quickly peek at it, and it was his number, just like how Louis gave me his number when i was working.
I slip it into my pocket without thinking and head out,
"Hey, what was that?" Louis says lightly grabbing my shoulder, "What was what?" i respond acting like i didn't know what just happened, "Lilah, what did he give you?" without even letting me answer and puts his hand into my pocket and grabs it out and opens it.

When he opened it a sudden pause glared across his face, i couldn't read him, i didn't know what he was thinking.

"Oh" he says putting it back into my pocket, "What?" i ask trying to get an answer, he brushes me off "Nothing".

We start walking again, yet this time it was different , i tried to hold his hand but he didn't want to.

We get near the complex, i couldn't stand the awkwardness no more , i get infront of him so he can't move and say "Just so you know, i was going throw it away" , he looks down at me and purses his lips, he didn't say anything so i sigh and walk in as he follows behind, i reach the door and leave it open for him to walk in and slump on the couch.

It's complete silence,
why is he being like this?
especially after i told him i was going to throw it away?

He sits on the other chair and just goes on his phone, not saying a word.

40 minutes later

I'm literally at breaking point, WHY IS HE NOT SPEAKING?

"Lilah, grab your bag" he says out of NOWHERE,
What he thinks that after not speaking to me , he can just take me somewhere?
"Okay" i respond grabbing it , he leads me out of the door and down the stairs.
Outside i see two bikes,
typical Louis.
Without saying anything we both put our helmets on and he starts riding as i follow,
riding this bike makes me feel so free especially with the scenery.

He starts slowing down so i copy, and i realise exactly where we are.

He's taking me on the Gondola boat ride.

Still, not saying anything he takes my hand as we lock up our bikes and he takes me to the dock,"Ride for

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Still, not saying anything he takes my hand as we lock up our bikes and he takes me to the dock,
"Ride for... Lilah and Louis?" The man says looking at me and Lou, Louis nods and gets on the boat and then grabbing my hands to help me get on.

I get on and i am immediately took back because of how beautiful everything looks.

a/n: their first kinda argument?
first of quite a lot .....


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