italy with the angel

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A/N: SORRY FOR THE LATE ASS UPDATE! i've been so busy!

disclaimer: as i mentioned in the "seggs" chapter, i will not be writing about them having sex, it could be mentioned but i would never going into depth especially since they are the same age as me lmAoo, but there are some scenes in this chapter you could be uncomfortable reading, so don't say i didn't warn you :) although this is one of my favourite chapters just because of what happens !!!!

Italy, has been a dream.

I've never been this content in my life, i wish my mama could see this, she would've loved Italy.

Louis, my lovely Louis.
He's been everything and more.

Rose got me and lou a job at a small bakery down the lane , we noticed we started to run out of money, but it's all good again due to the job, it's so beautiful, the smell of fresh bread in the morning.

Speaking of scent, i'm currently resting my head on Louis'  bare chest, he smells so goood, so minty, he sounds so soft sleeping. I hate that i always think of the worst, what if he leaves me? or he just decides i'm not what he wants? i'm scared, i am, but there is no point living in fear.


I always pretend to fall asleep for at least five more minutes just so i can feel her touch. Before her everything was normal but something was always missing, it was her, she's the missing piece. I was never the type to shoot my shot or ask out a girl i thought was amazing, i've always been so cowardly but i knew from the moment i saw her, i wanted her, all of her. It still surprises me that i just randomly gave her my number without saying any words to her, and now i'm in Italy with the angel.

"Louis, i know you're awake" Her sassy tone makes me smile, always, I laugh and turn around to look her, as weird as it could sound, i love looking at her and just examining her. Her hair, her soft and luscious hair, her nose, which is fucking perfect, her eyes that make me melt every time she even glances at me.

Working at the bakery with her has been so fun, she's just so kind to every customer , greets everyone with a smile no matter who they are or what attitude they have.

I come out of my gaze, "Good morning" we exchange smiles and i pull her closer and lay my head on top of hers, her touch, her everything is all i need. Delilah Mendes, you are all i need and want.


I get up and open the curtains and i am greeted by the gorgeous saturday sun, stretch and go to the bathroom to get change when Louis stops me, "Lilah, can i ask you a question?" he perches up at the end of the bed with his legs hanging off the bed and pulls me closer towards him, "Of course" i respond and become extremely nervous. "How come you never change in front of me? it's okay when you don't, but im just curious" he tucks my hair behind my ear, In all honesty, i know he's my boyfriend and my best friend but i'm not sure why i don't change in front of him, i mean he does it all the time and i am definitely not complaining , his body is a God send.

To be honest i'm mostly insecure of my body, he's already seen it in my bikini so i don't know why i am, clearly he loves it? right? what if he likes me less?.

Fuck he can see i'm hesitating

"Lilah, it's okay you don't have to, i would never want you to do anything you're not comfortable with" he holds my hands, he makes me feel so safe.

Okay i have no idea what the fuck is going on, i take a few steps back as he stares deeply into my eyes and  i start to take down the straps of my tank top down my shoulder, "Li-Lilah" he stutters but i just dismiss him, i take my tank top off leaving me in my bralette and drop it on the floor, i move closer to him and lay his hands on the top of my shorts hoping he gets the memo to pull them down, he did.
He pulled them down and then i gave him my tennis skirt and he bent down and allowed me to put both of my legs in as i lent on his shoulder for support, he pulls up my skirt and turns me around to zip up the back.

The butterflies in my stomach feel like they are on crack right now.

I hand him my cropped blue tee and lift my arms up so he's able to put it on me, after the tee is on he stands up and looks at me, and i look up and look at him, in his eyes.

He smiles as he instantly grabs me and kisses me, we are both smiling as we are kissing causing us to laugh, he starts to kiss my neck as i keep laughing and so does he , before i know it he grabs me and puts me over his shoulder and walks into the living room, "LOUISSS put me down!!!" i'm shouting but he just keeps laughing and so do i.

He puts me down on the chair and starts to make breakfast half naked, do i mind it? not at all.
Just admiring him as he makes his famous pancakes, "Quit staring Lilah" he chuckles and hands me orange juice, I stop staring eventually,"Good girl" he mumbles in his raspy morning voice and i fucking choke on my orange juice.
He laughs at my reaction as i become very embarrassed, he hands me the pancakes and plants a kiss on my forehead. Gosh i never want to leave this place.

i just wanted a cute morning one!!!
also i know this chapter is very different.. but i want to get y'all's reactions! :)

thank u so much for 23k reads, i am ever so thankful for every reader.

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