diner girl & mystery boy

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The boys left the diner as my shift ended,
i quickly slid over the counter and put my apron away, grabbed my bag and left, i'm always in a rush to leave that place.

I unlock my bike lock and as i'm about to ride away i hear

"Wait! Hold up!"
"Huh?" i turn around and see the boy

"I just realised, i probably shouldn't of gave you my number, you probably have a boyfriend and this is now very embarrassing for me" he says whilst his hand reaches the back of his neck.

I laugh at the fact he thinks i have a boyfriend and say "I don't and your number is already in my phone you can't back down" , uhm miss girl? where did my confidence just come from? i am a bad bitch. Anyways, he smiles at me with those eyes pushes his hair back and says "Good" smiling as he slowly walks back to the car.

I start peddling and cannot stop thinking about what just happened

For clarification, i have no friends
I have friends but not the friends that would want to go on an adventure at 3am with me.
School friends, that's what they are
where you talk to them in school but not even a smile outside of it.

So, is a this a new friend?
Well if i'm honest, don't think i could be just friends
with a boy like that, he looks like the type of guy to make fun of me in school, NOT the type to give me his number at my workplace.

I reach my apartment complex fiddling with my key , i enter it , put my bag down and change into my comfortable clothes, grabbed my blanket and watched netflix on the couch.

But i can't get the boy out of my head,
should i text him? yes i should.

mystery boy

hi, from your favourite diner girl

mystery boy
i've been waiting for this,
what took you so long, diner girl?

hey ! my bike isn't that quick

mystery boy
i'll let you off, just this once aha

i have a question

mystery boy

why did u give me your number?

mystery boy
have you seen yourself?
you really said angel

oh stop you're going to make me blush, mystery boy.

mystery boy
mystery boy?

well i don't know your name

mystery boy
my names louis :) and yours?

delilah  :)

mystery boy name changed to
louis :)

louis :)
so, delilah
what's your story?

my story?

louis :)
yes, your story

i'm not that interesting

louis :)
i beg to differ :)
we should hangout sometime?

maybe we should?

louis :)
good :)
what's your instagram?

and yours?

louis :)
you'll find out

      @louispatridge followed you on instagram!

a/n: and so their story starts....
they both soon realise they don't want more, they want different.

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