From Bad to Worst..

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Sammy's POV
Ashley fainted after we kissed I have no idea why.. Memories?.. Shock? I need her to wake up she's been 'asleep' for ages.

Ashley's POV
I wake up back in mine and Sammy's house, his head on the bed holding my hand, did I faint? All those memories made me dizzy.. So many of them.

"Ashley! Your up I was beginning to think you weren' gonna wake up!"
"I lost control.. I fell"
"What do you mean 'you lost control'.. Of what?"
"Thousands of memories bouncing about in my mind I lost control there was 1000s I still don't know what half of them were, it was like a slideshow of 'us' going really fast through my brain"
"Your mum and dad are out shopping so we're alone"
"Ok, so what do you want to do then?"
*sammy kisses me, I kiss back, but then it gets more passionate*
*he starts to take off my sweater*
"Sammy stop!!"
"What its not that bad calm down"
"I'm fed up"
*runs out the house*
"Ashley sto.."

Sammy's POV
Ashley ran out of the house I went to chase her but she was gone, what if she doesn't come back? It's been an hour since she ran away and I can't stop crying I need to find her.
*i run out the house on the search for Ashley*

Ashley's POV
I ran away cause it was all too much, I don't want to 'do it' with him it's too soon.

Sammy's POV
I have no idea where Ashley is.. I'm still crying.. Her mum and dad came back with shopping and asked to see her so I told them that she ran away. They went to look for her but wouldn't let me go with them.
It's now 1:30am I've been looking for hours I might aswell go back to bed and try and find her in the morning.

Ashley's POV
I'm now in a hotel room.. Alone. I don't want to go back.. But something's telling me I have to.
So I had a weird flashback last night...
Me- Get away from me! Why are you doing this?!
Strange Man- To finish some unfinished business, hurting Sammy's 'precious' girl is easier than hurting him.
Sammy- *comes in with a gun* Let her go *points gun at his head*
Strange Man- fine but I'll find you and her again and I will hurt her
~end of flashback~

I want to go back to him so badly but I don't know...

What do you think, will she move back in with him or will she leave him for good...
Sorry if there is any errors on this chapter or the previous ones, I'll keep you updated ASAP 😊💗
Again sorry for all the short chapters 💁
~Jade x

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