The Doctors Appointment..

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Ashley's POV
I wake up at 8:30 as I have a doctors appointment today, not the best time to have a doctors appointment but oh well, I keep getting really bad stomach pains it's been like that for ages I might ask the doctor to check that out.. I haven't had any flashbacks for ages the last one was the day before my friends came and mentioned Damien...Weird. Thank god that evil man got arrested I don't need to worry about him watching me while I sleep every morning.. Anyway I'm going for a shower.
*10 minutes later*
So now I have a new scar to add to my collection... Great, and they're all from him attempting to kill me. I get dressed into a red sweater (so nobody sees my scar), jeans and red converse shoes.

Sammy's already downstairs making me waffles.
"Hope you like them I made them myself"
"Omg they're so nice"
"Thanks, are you anxious about the appointment?"
"A little bit I guess"
"Don't worry it will be fine"
*i finish my breakfast and get into the car*
While we're driving I turn on the radio...
"A man has escaped from jail his name is Damien Spawnwrath if anyone finds a man by this name please contact the police immediately" *i quickly turn off he radio*
"Oh god he's out already, how did he manage to escape prison though?"
"Ashley, he's been in prison many times before he's bound to found a way out by now"
"I'll try and forget about that now we're at the hospital I should concentrate on keeping positive for my brain scan"
"Yeah, let's worry about him later"
*we walk into the hospital reception*

Sammy- Hi my fiancé here has an appointment with Dr Newton at 10:00
Receptionist- ok what's her name
Me- Its Ashley Garcia
Receptionist- ok take a seat in the waiting room over there, Dr Newton will call you when he's done with his other patient.

*i fiddle with my fingers as I'm quite worried*
"Ashley it's fine, no need to worry" *kisses my forehead*

"Ashley Garcia I'm ready for you to come and have your scan"
*i look at Sammy*
"Go on Ashley I'll be right behind you"
*we go into the room*
"You can go in the machine now Miss Garcia"
*20 minutes later*
"Ok you may have a seat Ashley, ok it seems that you have had many memories come back as you've told me but you said stopped having them last month, this may because your brain is taking a while to remember things or its stress, try and relax for a while to see if that helps"
"Ok doctor, I'll try"
"Any questions before you leave?"
"Yeah actually, I've been having really bad cramps in my stomach for a while could you check if it's anything serious?"
"Yeah of course it might be a cyst in your stomach follow me and we can check it out with another scan"
*we follow him into the room*
*he puts cold jelly on my belly and moves around the instrument called the transducer (the tool they use to monitor your heart and see what's wrong with your stomach etc)
"I'm happy to say that your pregnant and you'll be having your baby in around a week actually."
"What I'm pregnant?!"
*i look at sammy, he has a confused look on his face*

Ooooooh 😏
I promise I'll update soon and sorry for any errors 😁🙈
~Jade x 💌

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