57. Unusual projectiles

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Just as I was going back to the meeting hut, hoping that Newt was still there, I suddenly heard someone screaming. I turned to the sound and saw the girl, who had just been unconscious, rush out of the sanctuary and look around excitedly as if she was looking for a way out. Clint and Jeff came running after her, shouting for her to stop, but she didn't listen to them and ran across the glade, aiming for the lookout tower.
I didn't think twice and ran too, planning to cut her off. Behind me I heard someone ripping open a door and then Gally was beside me, also running.
"What's going on?" he asked as we ran together towards the girl.
"I don't know, she seems to have woken up." I stepped on the gas even more and Gally fell a few metres behind me.
I reached the lookout tower almost at the same time as her and was about to grab hold of her when she looked at me with wide eyes and pushed me away. Completely perplexed, I fell down, not expecting her to react like that.
"Hey!" I shouted, but she was already climbing up the ladder.
Now Gally also arrived at the tower and helped me to stand up again. I knocked the dirt off my clothes and was about to climb the ladder when a pot flew inches from my head. Horrified, I jumped a metre to the side and looked up.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Gally shouted as he almost got a spoonful. We stepped back a bit and waited for the other gladers, including Newt, to come running.
The girl was incessantly throwing whatever pots and bowls Fry Pan had stored up there, and we had already started holding things that had been thrown at us earlier over our heads to protect them.
The only one having his fun was Chuck, who was standing a few metres away laughing at us. I gave him a dirty look, but he only laughed louder when I was almost hit by a frying pan. Just then Jeff and Clint came running up, apparently having taken Minho and Thomas.
"Leave me alone!"
"Everybody, watch your heads!" Fry Pan shouted, holding a large bowl over his head.
Newt tried to shield me from the flying things, but he didn't succeed very well and he too almost got a plate on his head and held his hands protectively in front of his face.
Gally barely dodged another plate and shouted, "Hey, throw one more of those, I'm -" But he was interrupted because this time he got a spoon right in the middle of his head and cried out in pain.
"Go away!" the girl shouted.
"We come in peace!" Fry Pan tried, but it was no use, she kept throwing everything she could find at us.
Now Thomas came running, looking around in confusion as he too tried to dodge the flying things.
"Yo, Gally, what happened?" he asked.
"Just duck!" Fry Pan warned him and he dodged a pot at the last moment.
"I don't think she likes us very much," Newt laughed, who by now was hiding under a wooden plank with Winston.
"What do you want from me?"
I wondered how many things Fry Pan had stashed up there.
"Hey, look, we just want to talk!" Thomas tried, but he almost got spooned again.
"I'm warning you!" the girl shouted.
"Oh, take cover, y'all! Take cover!" Fry Pan just barely pushed me aside before an apple could hit me.
"Hey! Woah, whoa, whoa! Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!"
Suddenly she stopped throwing things at us and the next moment she was peeking over the railing of the tower. We dropped our shields in relief and Gally rubbed his head.
Thomas raised a hand to show her it was him and then called out, "Okay, I'm gonna come up. Okay?"
He got no answer, instead the girl disappeared behind the railing again.
"I think that was a yes," I said, looking at Thomas promptly.
"Okay. Just me," he groaned out before starting to climb the ladder.
Turning around, I saw that Minho and Chuck, still standing at a safe distance, were both laughing.

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