10. Celos

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"Anna?! Anna!"
I was startled when someone shouted my name at the top of my lungs. At first I didn't know where I was. But then I felt a movement beside me and as I looked around I realised that I was sitting in Newt's arms leaning against the tree trunk and must have fallen asleep.
"Damn it, where is she?!" Gally. "Minho, find her! She must be somewhere around!"
"I'm looking!"
I heard footsteps coming closer and shook my head to catch a clear thought. I was still at the glade, still didn't know how I had got here and had no idea why all this was happening to me and who I had been before.
There was this wonderful feeling of warmth flowing through me again when Newt, who had got up, held out his hand to me and touched my skin as he pulled me up. Yes, I had no idea about all this, but I had him after all. That was worth so much more.
"She can't have disappeared, she was by the fire two hours ago!" Gally seemed to be raving inside with panic. "Anna! Where the hell are you?"
Finally I had found my voice again and answered: "Gally? I'm here!"
The next moment Gally rushed through some bushes and almost fell in front of my feet.
"Klunk, I was so worried! What are you doing here?"
He pulled me towards him and at first he didn't seem to notice Newt at all. For a moment I was surprised at his reaction, but then I returned the hug.
"We...," I began, but I couldn't get any further. Apart from the fact that I didn't even know what to say.
Gally had seen Newt. "What...?" he started and let go of me, only to immediately put an arm around my shoulders and press me against him.
The two looked at each other in silence for seconds and the mood was tense. I had no idea what to say to ease the moment, but Minho came to my aid. He made his way through the undergrowth and arrived at our place.
"There you are. Gally chased us across the glade."
He let himself sink onto the tree trunk next to us and seemed to be completely unaware of the tension in the air.
What do you mean by us? Did he drive everyone crazy?
The thought made me uncomfortable. To stand out so negatively on the very first day was not my thing, at least I thought so.
Gally and Newt still hadn't moved and slowly I found it a bit uncomfortable how Gally was pressing me. He stared at Newt with his eyes narrowed to slits and had tensed every muscle. That's how it felt in any case.
"What is the meaning of this? What are you doing in the forest with her?" he hissed.
Newt opened his mouth and wanted to answer something, but Gally wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise.
"I swear, if you touched her, I'll kill you."
With that he took a step towards him and I used the opportunity to wriggle out of his arm, which he didn't seem to notice at all. He only made one more step forward and built himself up threateningly in front of Newt.
Minho had jumped up and held one arm between them. "Okay, now let's calm down again, shall we, Gally?"
But it didn't help, Gally just pushed his arm away and came even closer to Newt.
"Stop! Gally, enough!" Now I pushed myself between them and stood in front of Newt.
"What are you doing? Why are you acting so childish? You don't even know what happened, why don't you just ask before you threaten anybody here?" I was pretty angry.
"All right. You tell me."
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and raised one eyebrow.
"Gally... You're not the only one I remember. Newt, he... He was my boyfriend, and... I loved him - and I still do, apparently. They don't seem to have erased that. Something like that seems to stay."
There was absolute silence. I heard Minho whistling softly through his teeth, but I didn't take my eyes off Gally. He stared at me at first without showing any movement. Then he looked back and forth between Newt and me, as if he first had to understand this constellation. Slowly he began to shake his head back and forth.
Still nobody said anything. The silence was overwhelming and I knew that I would go crazy if someone didn't say something soon. But that didn't happen, because Gally just turned around without a word and left. He disappeared through the bushes he had come through and left us standing.
Perplexed I watched him until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, he'll be all right. He's probably just overwhelmed by the situation. I mean, it's not exactly unspectacular, right?" Newt asked.
I nodded slowly. Yes, he was right.
Something told me that it had been Gally's way of behaving to not really wanting to share me. Apparently that had stayed that way.
"What a first day...," Minho murmured, shaking his head and headed back to the glade as well. I was about to follow him when Newt grabbed my hand and held me back.
"I'm sorry you're having trouble with him because of me. You must have been very close, before."
I nodded slowly. "Yes, we still do, I think. After all, nothing has changed."
"It seems our feelings don't change once we remember them."
With these words he kissed me without a warning and immediately the butterflies inside me exploded again. I pressed my lips to his and put my arms around his neck.
When we separated again, I had to gasp for breath, as I had completely forgotten to breathe. He smiled at me broadly and I knew that smile. I had seen it so often before.
I grinned back and forgot that Gally was angry with me and that we were at a glade inside a maze that I would enter for the first time tomorrow - or today? I forgot that I could remember almost nothing and was locked up here. All I could think of were Newt's eyes and my overwhelming feelings for him.
After what felt like an eternity and yet far too soon he whispered: "Come on, I'll take you to your hammock. You should get enough sleep before you go out there."
I nodded and allowed him to take my hand and lead me through the forest back to the glade. As we walked past the campfire, which was by now only glowing, I saw someone sitting there, and I pruned, for I was sure everyone was already asleep. But then it was immediately clear to me who it was.
Gally was sitting on a tree trunk and had a glass with this strange stuff in his hand, which everybody had drunk in the evening. I still didn't know what it was, but the way he was sitting there, it had to be something that made you foggy. Alcohol? I had no idea about such things.
I wanted to go to him and just give him a hug, but my feeling told me that he needed time and that he wasn't the type to calm down immediately when something upset him. So I let Newt lead me on until we reached the sleeping places.
All you could hear was the quiet breathing of the sleeping boys and in the moonlight I could see them all, only Nick and Alby were not there, they had their own huts, I remembered. And of course Gally, who was sitting at the fire and got drunk.
When we reached my hammock, we stopped and looked at each other. I was tingling again when Newt leaned down to me and gave me a gentle kiss before he went off to his hammock.
"I love you," I whispered.
"And I love you."

Into The WICKED Maze | A Maze Runner Story (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now