12. Into the maze

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We took our first steps into the maze and then increased our pace by falling into a relaxed trot. Before we made the first decision and turned right, I looked back over my shoulder once more and saw Newt still standing in front of the entrance, with hanging shoulders.
We jogged silently next to each other for a few minutes and I memorised our path.
"I had a few thoughts tonight and I think it would make sense if we memorised our paths and recorded them later. That way we might get a map of the maze sometime... What do you think?"
I nodded. "That sounds like a plan. Now the only question is, how big is this thing?"
"Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we?" asked Minho sarcastically.
We continued jogging in silence and I was surprised how easy it was for me to keep up with Minho. The pace was good and I was hardly out of breath. My mind was busy memorising the route all the time, so I didn't have time to think about the possibility of a Griever being around, let alone attack.
The sun was rising higher and higher and had just reached its zenith when Minho suggested a slightly longer break. We sat down and leaned against a wall while we took the food from Fry Pan out of our pockets and started eating. It tasted really good again and I envied his cooking skills. I didn't know it, but I was pretty sure I couldn't cook. Somehow it would suit me. At that thought I had to smile and Minho looked at me confused. I just shook my head to show him that it was nothing important, because my mouth was full of bread.
When we had finished eating, we set off again, but soon decided that we'd better turn back. It was getting later and later and we did not want to risk being locked up.
Just like on the way before, we jogged casually side by side and I was just thinking that it wasn't that hard to remember the way when a bloodcurdling scream came from a corridor to my left. I slipped and stopped as if rooted to the ground. Minho looked at me with big eyes and we didn't have to say anything to know what to do.
Without waiting another second we sprinted off as fast as we could. I could hear a click and clack behind us that did not sound like an animal. More like a machine. It had to be a Griever.
Part of me wanted to see what they were, but a much bigger part was scared to death and made my legs run faster and faster, so I even overtook Minho.
The noise became quieter and quieter and after a few turns I was almost sure we had lost it. Nevertheless we didn't slow down until we turned the last corner and the gate was in front of us.
Totally out of breath we crashed onto the grass and just let ourselves fall. I held my ribs, panting, and they hurt like hell again. Minho also seemed to be in pain as he groaned as he also held his chest.

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