12. Injured

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It was not long before I heard footsteps coming quickly in our direction. Still panting, I turned over on my stomach to see who was coming towards us. Closest to us were already Alby and Nick, closely followed by a limping Newt. Behind them I could see Fry Pan and Winston.
I gave up lying on my stomach, because that only hurt even more. Instead, I turned back on my back and closed my eyes while trying to catch my breath. If I continued panting like this I would still pass out.
"What happened?" Alby shouted, even before he had arrived.
"Clint, where the hell are you? Help them!" That was Newt, and he sounded pretty worried.
"I'm already here!" I heard quick footsteps coming towards me and then someone next to me dropped to his knees. "Hey, it's me, everything's okay. How are you?" he asked calmly.
I moaned. That was all I could get out.
"It's... okay." Minho seemed better off than me. When I opened my eyes I could see him bending over me as well. At least he could already sit again.
"My ribs..." I was still panting and the talking stung my sides. I closed my eyes again, for my head was throbbing almost unbearably from the strain.
I could feel someone pushing my top up and hissing "Klunk."
What was wrong? What was wrong with me?
"Eric, Justin! Get me a new bandage and the sewing kit from the sanihut. Quick. NOW!"
Again I tried to open my eyes and saw Clint, Minho and Newt squatting next to me bent over me and the other boys standing behind them looking at me with big eyes.
"Can someone tell me what's wrong with me?" I pressed out and closed my eyes again.
"It's all right, we'll fix it." Clint started to open the bandage. "Can you manage to sit up?" he asked.
I tried to lift myself up but failed miserably.
"Shit," I murmured.
But then I got help immediately, because someone put his hand under me and the two of them lifted me up. Clint quickly removed the bandage and I felt a warm liquid running down my side.
"Okay, put her down."
Carefully, I was put down again. Someone took my hand and I knew without opening my eyes that it was Newt.
Again footsteps could be heard and someone fell beside me. "What happened?" That was Gally. "Minho, what happened in there?!"
"There... there was a thing. We only heard it, but it was close by and... We ran. Very fast. I don't know how, but somehow her wound started bleeding again, it looks like..."
"That must have been the effort. We'll fix it. But you'll need stitches and you'll need them now. Where are those slintheads?" Clint sounded tense. I was glad I couldn't see what my right side looked like.
"Here they come," sayed one of the gladers. I could feel someone jumping up beside me and running towards the two boys.
"Now give it to me!" Gally.
He came back quickly and handed Clint the things he needed.
"Okay, this is gonna hurt..."
"Come on, now!" said Newt.
I felt the disinfectant alcohol burning in the wound and moaned in pain. Newt squeezed my hand and I was grateful for this touch. It calmed me down a little.
Someone took my other hand and I was sure it was Gally. I opened my eyes a little and saw that he was crying. That startled me. Did I really look that bad?
"Well, I'll start sewing that now. You must be strong now, Anna."
I nodded tensely and squeezed my eyes together. When he placed the first stitch I bit my teeth together and tried to block out the pain. For a short time it hurt so much that I was afraid I would faint, but it became more bearable from stitch to stitch and I breathed a sigh of relief when he said: "I did it. Now you won't lose any more blood. Only the bandage and you are done. We'll take you to the hut and you can rest there. You should be back on your feet by tomorrow."
Again I nodded, but this time calmer.
Again they raised me up and I leaned my head against Newt's upper body, as I was so broken I just wanted to sleep. Clint wrapped the bandage around my ribs several times and then gave the okay that I should be taken to the sanihut.
For a short time there was silence, then I heard Gally say: "Go ahead" and Newt lifted me up carefully. I put one arm slack around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. Eyes still closed, I absorbed his scent and a warm feeling spread inside me.
He gently carried me through the small group of gladers and across the glade to the hut where - as I remembered - Stan was also lying. A shiver ran down my spine and I prayed that he was better than yesterday.
Someone opened the door for us and when I opened my eyes a crack I saw that it was Gally. I looked over Newt's shoulder and saw that Minho was still standing in front of the gate with Nick and Alby, probably calmly telling them again what had happened inside the maze. Just before the door closed behind us, the loud noise resounded again and the gate began to close.
It was dusky in the hut, because like yesterday the sun was setting slowly. Newt carefully set me down on one of the two free couches - the one furthest away from Stan - and then sat down on a chair next to me. Gally stood at the foot of the chair for a moment, but then just nodded at us, patted my foot and left us alone.
Immediately it was all quiet again and all that could be heard was Stan's rattling breath. By now I had my eyes completely open again, so I could see Newt looking sceptically at him.
At first I didn't know why, but then I realised that he was moving slightly, as if he was waking up.
And then I heard him whimper: "They put us in here like guinea pigs just to watch us die. WICKED is good, WICKED is good, stop saying that all the time! SHUT UP!" The last three words he roared.
With big eyes I sat up as best I could and tried to calm him down. "Hey, Stan, it's gonna be all right, you're gonna be all right, you -"
But I couldn't get any further, because he shouted again: "WICKED is not good, no, WICKED is not good! Leave me, leave me!"
I looked over at Newt in horror and he jumped up and ran to the door. "Clint! We need you here! -Damn it, where is he?" he asked and rushed outside - leaving me alone with Stan.
For a moment I thought he had calmed down again, but then he just started screaming louder and writhing on the couch, so that it wobbled menacingly.

Into The WICKED Maze | A Maze Runner Story (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now