Remember me pt 2

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2 weeks later

date: 19/07/2019 

I sat on my bed crying my eyes out for the seventh time this week I know my nana told me to stay strong but seeing her take her last breath I just couldn't coup, It was my nanas funeral today betha my nanas friend asked me to sing an after burial song for her I know my nana would be proud of me If I did so I obliged to it, I wasn't very confident singing in front of lot's of people or talking for that matter but It was for my nana, before my nana died her lst words where "smile for the once you have and live on for the ones you have lost" Those words circled around and around in my head nana was right I needed to live on for the ones I lost and smile for the ones I have. I looked over at my wardrobe for an outfit to wear. I found a pair of black skinnys and a black shirt to go with that I put on a lovely rose gold pearl neckless my nana left me before she died, I put it around my neck and grabbed my ukulele and headed out the door ~~~time skip~~~

after the preist said a few words about my nana he asked "miss y/n would you like to come up on stage?" the preist asked I noded and walked up the steps and stood to the mic with fear, I gulped and started talking. "My nana was a beautiful women she was kind,  caring, loving. she was special to me, when my parents died in a fire my nana took me in and made me feel at home I was young so I didn't understand why I was staying with her but I soon learned to live with it my nana did her best for me I was quite a handful when I was a child but she didn't miss one bit of me growing up, when my nana was in hospital I went to go visit her. I sang her one of my song called remember me. and I would like to do the same now. "so this is goodbye, I didn't really think it would be hard to let you go, but not so soon. I just want your warm touch, your caring ways you make me feel so special. but now your gone It's hard to think that your not here, you stay in my heart like a wine stain to white shirt. so this is goodbye i hope your okay, are you flying free with the angels above, you will stay forever in my heart I love you stay safe goodbye." 

~~time skip~~ 

"I got out side and walked to a near by park I sat down on the cold bench I sat down and hugged my knees and cried. I cried so hard I made my head feel all dizzy and my vison go blurry, It was gonna be hard without nana but I knew I had to keep my head up and smile, but without her being around made it harder for me to keep my self happy yea we all have ups and downs but I still have friends. I saw I had a unread text from my friend Alex I don't know why they would text me this late they never text me at this time of night.

unread text from Alex🖤 at 9:30pm

Alex🖤- heyyy just wanted to check in see if we can get a catch up? Xx 

                 me- hey yea I'm doing well, sure I can try to make it tomorrow x 

Alex🖤- Great oh yea there is a guy called Remington I want you to meet 

                 me- coolz where should I meet ya X

Alex🖤- meet me at spy house coffee shop at 12:00pm😊

                 me- sounds good cya xx

Alex🖤-  byeee Xx 


I smiled at the text and put my phone back in my pocket It was getting dark so I decided to walk back home to my apartment, I saw a black figure at the corner of my eye, I put my hood up and walked a bit faster, I turned a few corners to make sure they were following me. Every corner I turn there still behind me, my heart starts to pick up in my chest, my hands start shaking I start running and I caught my self in a dead end and when I look In front of me I see a tall man with a black hoodie and black ripped jeans The guy had a knife in hand I tired to back up but the cold brick wall stopped me in my tracks. Fear struck through my hole body I saw the man walk closer and closer I closed my eyes and then opened them to see the guy was guy was gone I looked all around for the mysterious guy but he was no where to be found I got myself together and walked the rest of the way home. the cold rain beat down on my damp clothes I didn't have the slightest clue of what just happened I needed to know more of what just happened to me, where the guy came from But the rest was yet to be uncovered. I put my earbuds in and headed home... 

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